Monday, October 22, 2007

Monkeys, the gig, Devil Bats

Things you never expect to read.

It seems the deputy mayor of Delhi in India was killed by monkeys.

Let me write that again – killed by monkeys.

You probably will never see your obituary – I presume after you die either that’s it or you move on to something else that hopefully isn’t more of the damn same. One of my nightmares about the after life is that we all end up in this huge room at a desk with hundreds of number two pencils a huge stack of paper in front of you and a voice saying “Please fill the form out exactly as I have explained it to you”.

Still you’d hate to think the phrase “killed by monkeys” would be in your obit.

Did some checking the unfortunate man apparently fell from his balcony while trying to fight off the monkeys.

Per the same report one idea being broached to curb the menace of the monkeys is to introduce bands of larger Langur monkey to attack the smaller Rhesus monkeys who are causing the problems.

And once the Rhesus monkeys are suppressed as it where what next? Well bands of even bigger monkeys roaming Delhi and causing havoc. So what then? I mean what eats Langur monkeys? Leopards and Tigers do I presume but I see a problem with introducing large numbers of them into a major city. Well

Gig went well last night –actually we played as well as we ever have - fabulous indeed. Not as many people showed up as we wanted but it was Sunday. But I have to say that everybody who missed this missed our best show ever. Like ever.

I feel bad for the band – they all worked very very hard on this – and I feel like I failed to get enough people to come to the gig – hell I didn’t get anybody to come. It’s disappointing at the very least. I need to look into more and better promotion techniques and well try and view this from a more rational marketing perspective I think.

It’s a bit galling right now – this is a very very good as in oh wow good band – the music is tight it’s funny as well and loaded with hooks – hell even the headline band that night cited Stacy (they mangled the name a bit but hell when you impress the headliner – who didn’t draw that many folks either – you know you’re doing something right.

Meantime – Devil bat .

After Bela Lugosi’s brief time as a big name star – he vanished into the world of the Hollywood ghetto and z level producers – this happened pretty quickly – by the 1940’s he was doing junk like this and playing bit parts like Igor in the later Frankenstein films – hell the didn’t even let him do Dracula in the House of Dracula, House of Frankenstein series – they had John Carridine (who one assumes was willing to work for a whole lot less) do it.

Anyway Devil Bat features Bela as Dr. Caruthers who is a) the town doctor – check that the beloved town doctor and also a brilliant scientist – a barking mad scientist. It seems that some years ago – he developed some kind of cold cream which served as the basis of the fortune of the Heath Family and the Morton Family – Bela – who simply took cash on the nose rather than a share in the profits no bears a grudge for the Morton and the Heaths wealth – still he manages to have a pretty fancy spread himself complete with secret passages – which lead to other hidden doors with made no real sense to me while I was watching it – I mean Bela you’ve already hidden the entrance to the place –why do you have to hide the exit as well? Made no sense to me.

At any rate when Bela isn’t working on cosmetics – he is growing a huge fake looking bat (the Devil Bat of the Title) – which he has trained or just hates a certain scent – a scent Bela then puts into an ‘experimental shaving lotion’ which he then persuades his various victims to put on the “tender part of your throat” his victims being members of the Heath family - the first two times they put the lotion on in Bela’s presence and then leave shaking hands with Bela – which somehow doesn’t put the scent on Bela’s hand – they say good night and Bela says “good bye” in a tone of voice that would make anyone other than the nitwits in this film suspicious. When they leave Bela then releases the amazingly big utterly fake looking bat which driven mad by the scent on the victims throat – although not Bela’s hand - tears the throat out of the victim.

This all seems rather baroque way of doing things – but this is the way of mad scientists – a less mad person might offer his services to another cosmetic company this time with a percentage of the profits being part of the package – which might even have opened up the Heath and Morton’s wallets a bit. Or hell just shooting them - but death by devil bat it is.

The scene then shifts to a newspaper where the bane of many a film in the 30’s and 40’s is introduced as the male lead – the wise cracking reporter along with the not funny comic relief – the photographer – who’s nickname is one-shot (if this was a snide reference to William One Shot Beaudine – maker of such utter dreck as Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla or Billy the Kid vs. Dracula – that shows a heck of a lot more intelligence than the rest of the film does).

The Newspaper reporter has to be informed on who the Heaths in a piece of pretty damn embarrassing dialogue “didn’t the girl you dated smell nice” no she was a skank crack whore shit who the hell else would I date with the money I make here? – Which leads him to be told that the Heaths make all the perfume in the world. Okay fine he’s a dumb ass.

He goes to the police who tell him everything – including giving him access to the morgue report and interview with the coroner who tells him that they found what look like mouse hairs on the victims – which he knows bat’s hair looks like mouse hair under the microscope. This he knows. The largest perfume manufacturer in the country he doesn’t know. Go figure.

After this there is some tedious backing and forthing with the female lead falling in love with the male lead, the comic relief doing not very funny things – then after more people die with after applying the lotion to the tender parts of their throat the male lead manages to kill the bat before it kills the comic relief (to the disappointment of most of the people watching the film. Comic reliefs were a bane of 30-40’s cheap horror films and one of the things that made them so awful was they weren’t funny. Not a bit).

Not to be deterred Bela builds another bat, with the same aversion to the lotion scent. He then kills the elder Heath with the bat after pretty much giving the game away to him. (Again why not just opt to go to another company? I never get this) – then time he manages – and how does anybody really know or care – to put it in the perfume of the female lead – who avoids getting killed by DB II by a screen over the window. At this point the male lead who is little brighter than the rest of the cast – that’s not saying much – a flock of drug addled sheep are sharper than this crew – figures Bela is the killer and manages to ensnare him in simple trap that ensures the bat tears out his throat (oh the irony)

It’s a dull and silly film – and the comic relief makes you want to hurt yourself with a fork but it was successful enough to spawn a sequel – the devil bat’s daughter what wasn’t really a sequel and there was a remake some years later – The Feathered Serpent where instead of a fake looking bat, it’s a fake looking snake with wings.

Go figure.

Peace Love Devil Bats.

pics later - I promise.


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