Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Super colossal band news and other deals

We have a café press page – whoop! Whoop! And all that! Its address is:

http://www.cafepress.com/theenemybelow - and it currently offers all sorts of shirts, a couple of bags and other junk all with our logo on it – Yeah! Now you can parade your love for this band anywhere you wear clothes. And check out the teddy bear!

It looks like we might have a new drummer – The Enemy below has gotten a reply from the ad he put out – the drummer David will be coming on the 5th (our next rehearsal) – and we’ll see if he fits in.

He might have a bit of a problem because at this point The Enemy Below and I have been playing together long enough for us to get this good feel about what the other guy is going to do – and as a result we communicate more like our brains have been replaced with random phrase generators.

“So with the”
“But not so much like an Elephant, more like a rhino”
“and after that you’ll slow down.”

Trust us it makes sense in context.

Speaking of drummers I see Ritchie Ramone is suing everybody over the playing and on-line sale of the ramones songs that he wrote – I don’t know about this – it all depends on what he signed when he joined the band. I suspect he may be due royalties but I don’t think he actually has the right to determine if the songs can be sold in one medium or other – always read the damn thing before you sign it kids. Trust us on this one.

Brief kafuffle at the UN where a copy of W’s speech was posted on the web that included phonetic spellings of proper names and places.

Per USA Today blogs – some of the words were:
“Kyrgyzstan (KEYR-geez-stan)
Mauritania (moor-EH-tain-ee-a)
Harare (hah-RAR-ray)
Mugabe (moo-GAH-bee
Sarkozy (sar-KO-zee)
“Caracas (kah-RAH-kus)”

Now some of these make some sense – but Caracas (that’s in Venezuela for god’s sake) and Mugabe’s been in the news for YEARS now – and this also explains the presidents coma-inducing tendency to over-enun-ci-ate certain words while he’s giving a speech.

Idiot (ID-e-ot)

Sorry for the Short Post – it’s busy – end of quarter. And all that.

Peace love, T-shirts.


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