Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall, Memories, Moods, Radio and Lobo

Well it is the first real day of the fall – long time coming – the leaves have begun to turn and the temperature is now not 80 degrees for the first time since oh June sometime.

It’s Monday and maybe that is why I’m strangely not gloomy perhaps that is too strong a word – perhaps the change in the weather has triggered a mood of melancholy – I remember a woman I was involved with kept comparing our relationship to November – with its fragile light and sense of endings and more even happy talk – we actually lasted about another year but well the writing was on the wall right there.

I wonder these days why I didn’t walk right then – I knew we weren’t going anywhere and it was only going to hurt but no – I stuck it out. Like I believed that if I just hung in there things would – despite every single sign pointing otherwise – work out.

It was like the moment in The Man with Two Brains – where Steve Martin says to the painting of his late wife – that if there was a reason he shouldn’t marry the woman he was seeing, please please give him a sign. At that the painting spins, the candles burst into massive flames, a voice screams ‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!’ and a wind rises filling the room with papers off Steve’s desk.

And when the tumult subsides, Steve says “really just any sign at all.”

I’m not saying that all human beings are totally incapable of seeing that the relationship they are in is going to be a disaster; I’m just saying that I was. (And more than likely still am – my relationship track record being what it is).

No I don’t know why my mind is going this way – so let’s just let go that way. I have things to do.

Did the Bill in NYC internet radio show over the weekend (– I think it will be up and running say Wednesday but I’m not sure – as soon as I know I’ll let you know. We chatted with Bill a bit and performed our two new songs – Scottish Love Song and The Oral Sex Celebration Anthem Sing along – to my eternal regret I didn’t try to get Bill and the engineer sing along with us on the chorus. That would have been something special.

Cher song I head over the weekend pissed me off for some reason – she was singing and I can’t even quite remember the chorus but it went something like “I know I will love again” or some such.

The reason it pissed me off is well – the song might as well be ‘I’ll fall for another jerk’ - there was no sense a lesson learned no sense of growth or anything in the song – I got the sense that once the pain subsided a bit – she was going to pretty much fall into the same pit she just got out of.

More on this as I brood on it.

Anyway over the weekend I saw Ed Wood’s Night of the Ghouls – this film is not as famous as say Plan Nine or Bride of the Monster or Glen or Glenda for a couple of reasons – one – while bad isn’t quite the utter cosmic mind job that Plan Nine is or the sense of this is how reality looks from the outside that is Glen or Glenda.

The film was intended to be a sequel to Bride of the Monster – where Bela Lugosi was eaten by a fake octopus – by the by while the scene about that in the movie Ed Wood is very good – Bela is standing knee deep in very cold water and talking about how he turned down the part of the Frankenstein Monster - someone pointed out that if Bela had actually turned down the Monster part – it would have been the only time in his life he turned down a part – which if true makes it all the more ironic.

Anyway this film takes place some years after the Bride Film – and again “strange things” – to quote Criswell whose demented narration dominates the film – are happening at the house on Willow Lake – which has been built.

Or something – with an Ed Wood Film – you don’t really know – because well I think Ed didn’t know. We start off with a woman in black wandering around – she kills some people – who are promptly never mentioned again – an old couple describe their horrific experience – which consists mostly of the old man moving the wheel of the car way too much while the back projection shows the car going quite smoothly – they meet a woman in white – no we don’t know what’s going on – and in an Ed Wood film you never do.

The police chose Lt. Bradford (Duke More who played the same role in Plan 9 and Bride of the Monster) to investigate – he chooses Patrolman Paul Kelton (Paul Marcos) who also played the same role in those two films – Marcos actually has an almost funny meltdown when informed of the assignment “Aliens! Monsters! And now Ghosts! Why me?”

Bradford meets the current owner of the house – a medium by the name of Dr. Acula (yes that’s the name – about as stupid a joke as you can get really ) who it turns out is a swindler who is tricking people with about the phoniest looking tricks ever – there is for example a floating trumpet that looks even dumber than the flying saucers in Plan 9 – and as a topper – for maybe the only time in film history – a floating trumpet Mute – the meaning of the trumpet is never explained – at least in crossing over with John Edwards there is some attempt to link his impressions with some person. In an Ed Wood film – things just kind of a happen without much cause or explanation – so just let the mute float in midair.

There is also a sheet that floats about and a man in what looks like black face that spouts gibberish – pretty painful to watch.

We are treated later to Tor Johnson as a badly burned Lobo – he some how survived the house blowing up in the Bride of the Monster – who does some wandering about and hitting people at the mediums command. .

Bradford and Marcos discover the scam but as they close in on Dr. Acula (god I can’t even type that name without cringing) it turns out that the good doctor is a real medium and has in the course of his affairs has actually called back people from the dead – and they, led by Criswell – kill him. I assume the dead don’t like to be disturbed – I’ve always wondered why the dead are so damn touchy – I can be pretty pissed if I get woken up too early but kill folks? Nah.

All in all this film has a weird sense of nostalgia – I guess it’s the references to Bride and Plan 9 that do that. Also this was Ed’s last Sci-fi film – and almost his last mainstream film – soon after this he’d be writing and/or directing low grade nudie cuties – and drinking himself to death in 1978.

Peace Love Lobo


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