Friday, October 05, 2007

Busy, Silly, and Mets Thoughts

Things have been far too hectic for even minor blogging – sorry – I’m pretty bunt out right now but a few things.

One – people have taken to referring to the inside the beltway word as “The Village” which reminds me of the old TV series “The Prisoner” and makes some sense as well. The village was in every show a hot bed of mindless conformity to whatever the leaders said they were to confirm to. The villagers tended to march and follow a brass band a lot.

I get that sense now – we are skittering sleepwalking in an unreal sort of way to bombing Iran an idea from the same people who still think Iraq is going well.

This is a sequel to a film nobody wanted in the first place. But there in the village they are worried about being in the parade not where the parade is going – which is right now straight over a cliff.

Silliest thing I’ve see on the internet lately:


It’s from – which features a lot of weird jokes which depend on a) knowing about the lol Cats and b) lovecraft. The glory of the internet is that there are people like that (me for one).

I’d have to say, so far, the Phillies performance in the playoffs is taking a bit of the sting out of the Mets’ meltdown (just a bit mind you – it still hurts).

I wonder if the Indians, having gotten the win in the first game will be quite as kind and generous as the Red Sox were to the Yankees all year (who after knocking the Yanks to the canvas would help them up and give them some tea). I suspect not. The Indians strike me as personally a much meaner bunch of guys than the on again off again Bosox.

There is a heartening defense of being a Met fan in - some folks made an odd comment that ‘when your team has more than 45 years history come and call me.” To which I’d like to reply.

Fuck you.

The Mets exist because the Dodgers and the Giants left New York. Had the dodgers stayed they would have just finished their 117th year in New York. And the Giants their 114th - although to give the devil his due I think if a team needed to leave New York for other climes it was the Giants. San Francisco may not have been the best choice but that is another story.

After the Dodgers and Giants left – A group of New Yorkers (who wanted National League baseball back in New York) led by William Shea managed to by moral argument and threatening to start a third baseball league to get the lords of baseball to agree to an expansion of the leagues.

Personally while the Mets have the NY from the New York Giants on their caps – it seems they have taken the psychic place of the Brooklyn Dodgers – who, if one remembers had the nickname of “the bums” and it was not an affectionate nickname. While their best years were 1947 on, before that there were long long stretches of bad teams (Casey Stengel briefly managed them and did so badly that at one point he told a barber “don’t cut my throat, I might want to do that myself”) and heartbreaking loses and of course “the shot heard round the world”

Speaking of that – I remember my dad telling me the story that here he was based in the State of Washington in a military Hospital as a medical technician (he handed sponges scalpels and what not to the doctors) and this was the height of the Korean War, and casualties were pouring in in the thousands. It was a horrible time, my dad was up to his armpits in blood and death and what really upset him were the Dodgers. That was tragedy.

An uncle of mine would leave the room when ever the call of the Thompson home run came on.

My mother who never said an ill word about anybody said upon learning of Walter O’Malley’s death “Good I hope he rots in hell” As far a shock value when it was on par with hearing the Dali Lama call someone a motherfucker.

That is what the Mets have inherited – and what they are - a team of staggering highs and heartbreaking lows. It’s a very New York thing, a Met fan. There are Yankee fans in every city in every state of the union – for the same reason Manchester United has fans all over the world - rich famous successful who could not follow them.

We for one – we sit in the upper deck of our unlovely ball park (which is to be torn down after next year, with a smaller corporate named ball park waiting in the wings) – and we do not care. We root for who we root for and if they take us to hell, well we signed up for the trip didn’t we?

Well enough of this. More some other time

Peace Love, baseball.


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