Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Open Mikes, Sex Pistols and DNA

Band stuff on me mind these days – more cat herding than anything thing else.

And it’s busy at the job too – well they do pay me so I really should be doing the work yes? Yes.

Off to the Waltz tonight after a long absence – we’ll see what’s up with the scene there. The reason we haven’t been playing there is that we didn’t have any new songs – that has changed. Rapidly I must say.

So we’ll see what kind of shock we can generate with these two – who knows they may have become so blasé about our style that we will get polite grins and the like.

Not likely but you never know

The Mets have to thank their stars that the team trailing them are the Phillies – anybody else would have passed them. I expect three and out if they do (finally) make the playoffs. I did expect them to fall off a bit from last years team but this has been god-awful.

The Senate has passed by some absurd 76-22 resolution threatening Iran with the big boom boom if they don’t stop doing stuff that scares us. Clinton and Reid voted yes – (as one would expect from establishment democratic party members – and Obama wasn’t there – which strikes me as a bit odd).

Meantime in the world of music it is of all things the 30th anniversary of Never Mind the Bullocks – Here’s the Sex Pistols. Listening to it again after a long time – I’m struck by how edgy it still sounds – time has not diminished its razor wire and cut glass sound at all – it’s one of those mixes that sounds loud – even when it isn’t loud. The sound is still one of sheer nihilistic pleasure. It’s not working tear it down, tear it all down.

I’m not quite as anarchist as all that (but if the democratic congress keeps rolling over for W I may change my mind) but lord when it hit back then it hit.

Back to Bud Hopkins – his current book is advancing the same idea that he advanced (a little more tentatively) with his earlier works that Aliens are, via abductions, interbreeding with us.

I really don’t have the time right now to go through all the problems here – but the one that stands out is not the one that Budd and his co writer are talking about. As Gene splicing has advanced we’ve found all sorts of ways to crash the inter-species barriers – however the real sticker here is this – everything that lives on earth each and every organism from the creatures sucking in nutrients at the bottom of the sea to the birds that fly as high as a jet plane – use the same basic building block – DNA. It’s that all life uses DNA that makes our gene splicing between species even possible. So if aliens (and oh what a big if that is) are as it were making hybrid human/aliens it means their genetic code also uses DNA. How is that?

There seem to be three possiblites:

1) All life in the galaxy uses DNA – I don’t know how likely this is and until we do find an example of an alien life form we won’t really know. Until we started looking for planets around other suns we didn’t think a gas giant could exist close to a sun – we’ve found several since then.

2) The aliens we see are artificial life forms in some way modified to use DNA as the basis of their genetic code – which postulates aliens with the ability that we have given gods – which could be true but then why go skulking about on earth snatching people for their genes? That’s like being able to fly but not allowed to cross the street – it makes no real sense.

3) The aliens are not quite as alien as they make out – one of the reasons that a human/alien hybrid as described by Hopkins is viable could be because – the aliens are human – or very closely related to homo sapiens. Which opens up a whole other kettle of fish like who the hell are they? Why do they look like that? What is their deal? And so on.

Well before I start to think like I’m living in an x-file episode I’ll stop.

Peace Love DNA


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