Friday, October 12, 2007

Clouds, Moby Dick, Big Chickens, and band stuff

First real fall day it seems – this is one of the times I wish I could paint – I was waiting for the train this morning on and Elevated line – you have a nice view of the Tri-borough and the Hell gate bridge from there and today the view was quite dramatic – the light from the low sun make everything look sharp and dramatic – the clouds were all different shades – dark gray, white, some both as they scudded across the sky – it was a painting waiting to be painted but I didn’t have the skills or actually the time (I was on my way to work) to do it – I grabbed a shot with my digital camera but that wont really capture the way things looked, the hugeness of the sky this morning. I’m not sure painting would either but it has a better shot.

Tired and shagged – it’s been a busy week and my Friday is looking pretty much like most of them do only more so. Left my reading glasses at home in a brilliant maneuver so I’ve got my regular glasses balanced on the end of my nose and I’ve got my head at a weird angle as I’m typing this – it looks pretty damn odd I have to say.

Pavarotti – would have been 72 years old today – that doesn’t seem that old to me now – cause well my dad and my aunts and uncles. Probably listen to him a bit tonight.

Rehearsed a drummer and a bass player last night (3 hours worth) and between that yoga and work I’m utterly shagged out.
Which may explain this bizarre piece of dialogue that popped into my head as I waited for someone else’s huge print job to finish (lord the trees we do kill).

Studio guy: so what’s the big project?
Producer: A Sequel to Moby Dick.
SG: A sequel
P: Yes
SG: To Moby Dick.
P: Yes.
SG: You mean the book.
P: It was a book?
SG (rubbing his forehead as if in pain): never mind. How does this work?
P: Well at the end of Moby Dick Ishmael survives, yes?
SG: Yes.
P: So we flash forward a few years. Ishmael is down and out. He’s hit bottom.
SG: Okay.
P: And then he gets a mysterious message. He goes to the meeting and…
SG: Please go on – I can’t wait.
P: A woman wants to hire him on as sailor.
SG: A woman
P: On a whaling voyage – to kill Moby Dick – It’s like Aliens he’s getting a chance to get his manhood back.
SG: (now rubbing his temples): like the film Aliens yes – go on.
P: So it turns out that she is
SG: Ahab’s wife right?
P: No she’d be too old – this is Ahab’s Daughter –
SG: Ahab’s daughter.
P: His really hot daughter
SG: Really hot daughter
P: And she’s signed on all the wives and daughters of the folks killed by Moby Dick
SG: I presume they are all hot as well
P: Of course, but the need Ishmael.
SG: Why?’
P: Because he knows Moby Dick – he is the only one who can. So they sail off on a whaling to hunt down Moby Dick – him and a ship full of women.
SG: (resisting urge to pound head on desk): One guy and ship full of women –
P: Yeah – I figure we can have a shower scene or two, maybe some lesbian scenes – women kissing maybe more - depends on how hard an R rating you want.
SG: You know if someone had told me when I woke up this morning I was going to hear the word lesbian in the same conversation as the words Moby Dick I would have told them they were crazy even for Hollywood. I would have been wrong.
P: So
SG: So what?
P: I think I can get Russell Crow pretty cheap – he hasn’t had a hit lately and he’s very excited about the idea.
SG: I don’t doubt it for a minute.
P: So
SG: please go away – just go away.

Alas I think to be continued.

Read in the paper that Nancy Pelosi is upset about the folks on her side walk protesting the war – what got me was the snippy tone she have ‘we’re leaders” said (referring to congress) “they are just advocates”.

Sorry Nancy – you are not a leader if you let W say jump and you ask how high – that is not being a leader. It is not being a leader giving him everything he wants including a cover for attacking Iran, that’s not leader ship that’s following the lemmings over the cliff.

I swear to god the Democrats in congress are the biggest chickens in the world – even bigger than the picture above. (from Burt I Gordan’s Food of the Gods).

In band notes it looks like we have a new drummer at least for the next gig and a new bass player too – this was the drummer’s second rehearsal with us and the bass player’s first – both are good. The drummer was in oddly enough a comedy rock band in Israel – which seems just perfect for out gig – the bass player seemed a little quiet but it was the first time and he didn’t just storm out of the room as we did the Scottish love song – which is sick as hell and funny too.

So now we merely have to get a drum set symbols and a guitar amp and we are good to go. We’re going to be rehearsing like dogs this next week so I’m planning on doing a lot of nothing this weekend.

Will watch at least one Ed Wood Film this weekend – haven’t done a bad movie in a while.


Peace Love Big Chickens


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