Monday, October 01, 2007

I Don't Wanna Talk About it Now

I don’t have much to say today. Other than it was a sick feeling to watch the Mets play the worst game of the year – and for Tom Glaven to have his worst outing as a pitcher on a day when they needed something special.

But the way the team played this year, it seemed fitting.

Even when things were going well I never had the feeling about this team that I did about the 2006 team. The 2007 model kept blowing games they really shouldn’t have even early in the season. There was this finish them off sense from the 2006 unit – 2007 not so much. But to be fair the 2006 unit also started to wear down towards the end of the season as well.

I expect some massive personnel moves after the dust settles. Glavin won’t be back (which will make a friend of mine happy – he has never accepted Glavin as a Met and after yesterdays meltdown he has little reason to do so) most of the relief staff – the inexplicable Green, the bench and so on. Wright, Reyes, Beltran, Mildrge and Pedro (because there is another year in his deal) stay, the rest – probably should be gone.

I have a blank feeling thinking about this team to day – I’m still a bit in a state of shock really not quite believing that I did see what I just saw.

And now there is nothing but the long wait until February and the road begins again. It’s a long way off and doesn’t’ at this moment hold out much hope for the future. Cause if I have to watch this team do this again I’m going to gouge my eyes out with a plastic fork and settle for listening to it on the radio.

I’m always like this when the season ends – more so this time because of the ugly way it went but still there is this hole in my day to day life where the season used to be. It’s a loss – not a huge one as cosmic terms are measure but it is still a loss and it hurts.

I’ve put away my Mets hats and hung up the shirts and the jackets and the Again with the way it ended it is going to be hard to get my hopes for the new season up – at least opening day tickets should be easier to get next year.

Random Neural Firings:

Had the first rehearsal read through of the musical in while and this time with the guy we’d like to direct the puppy along with a new actress for one of the parts. It was interesting both the new actress and the director asked us (The enemy below, Insect Girl and me) a few questions about why we wrote things the way we did. We alas aren’t deep so the only reason we could give was “we thought it was funny”

Which true – we’re not that deep with stuff – now there may be on some Meta level a sense of dealing with real issues but even there – we’ll go for the joke every time.

Looking to try out new drummer and new bass player this Friday – wish us luck. The one thing that I’ve found interesting about this process that it’s easier to find players when you have a band going rather than trying to start the damn thing up from scratch.

Peace, love, wait till next year.


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