Friday, September 28, 2007

Hating another friday

1) As bad as the Mucking Fets are playing it could be worse. No. Wait a minute – it can’t get worse that this. Except if they finish tied and then go to Philly and lose the game off a 9th inning 3 run homer by the weak hitting short stop that Wagner had an 0-2 count on with 2 outs. Followed by a meteor strike and a plague of frogs.

So it could get worse.

But not much.

2) Spent far too long trying to get what has oddly become a rarity in New York, hot Corned Beef on rye with mustard. First deli had run out of rye bread – (what deli runs out of rye bread) then the second one I went into one of the guys behind the counter kept talking to me as I was looking on their sandwich menu board for the words “corned beef”

As I’m looking he’s going on like this:

“what you want ham? Turkey? We have a panni (which I’m not fond of but that’s for later) and Italian hero right here.”

Now I wasn’t standing at the counter mind you – I was a few feet back looking at the sign and this guy was chattering away. It wasn’t even that crowded. But he kept up until finally I stopped reading and made eye contract.

“Shut up” I told him and went back to looking at the sandwich list – which since they did not mention hot corn beef sandwiches I left for a third deli.

3) Our fax machine – which some branches still send in paper work by has been broken for two days – we just got it fixed and now the printer is out. Which since we’re the legal department we kinda need. Not that we can get a service call today.

I hate Fridays.

Peace love death to disco!


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