Monday, September 24, 2007

Hot air nonsense, power kegs, band stuff and ugly uniforms

I guess we are now supposed to be all upset about the president of Iran coming to New York and talking.

I have other things to worry about. The media and the White House are making a big deal about this but frankly people around me aren’t talking much about it, and I don’t get much of a vibe of anything in the streets about it either. Hell even the blog world is a bit muted about it.

And it’s worrying that in a news interview, the Iranian comes across as more reasonable than the reporter.

It’s just another distraction, like the Move-on ad (I shot some cash to Move-on as soon as I heard about the Senate resolution – shame upon you sirs) to keep us from concentrating on just how horribly bad it is in Iraq.

Here’s something that they never had to deal with while Saddam was running the country – Cholera – which is spread by drinking water contaminated by cholera victims – seems the US is restricting shipments of chlorine because some guerilla used chlorine gas bombs and therefore water isn’t’ getting treated before it gets back into the rivers and when it’s drunk by people down stream – the disease spreads.

The restrictions on motor traffic are disrupting food shipments to some of the most volatile areas in Iraq. You combine that with the continuing uproar over the shooting of civilians by Blackwater Mercenaries with a nice little dose of disease and you are looking a dam powder keg not some country on the road to pacification.

I worry about the fallout from the Blackwell shooting. Up until now, the sides in the Iraqi civil war have hated each other more than the U.S. Something like this – could during the funerals which are going to emotional affairs - spark a riot that leads to further oppressive measures and shooting which in turn could lead to the US dealing with not a few guerillas s here and there but a popular insurrection.

On to other news:

We look to be needing a drummer in the future – our current drummer (who sings) has found a couple of folks to play with him and well it’s the way of these things. He a good guy and there’s no problem with this, just maybe a little sad. And there is the pain of getting a new drummer. But we do have him until the end of the year/January.

Need to hit the Waltz open mike again – if for no other reason to let them know we are alive and for the faces of shock as we trot out our new songs for them. For the record Scottish love song is the least offensive of them.

Papers are full of the giant’s win in football yesterday – side note – you know football is really a funny name for this game when you think about it – they don’t kick the ball much compared to the time it’s being carried by some one.

The Jets also won – but I wouldn’t be putting aside money for Jets playoff tickets just yet. The Dolphins are very very bad team and yet – came within one score of tying it up. That’s not what you want to be in the habit of doing because some team is bound to actually score the points that tie the game up. Knowing the jets it will happen. It’s happened before and will happen again.

Also the Giants win means their totally outclassed and useless coach is safe for another week. They are going nowhere with him.

I also have to say – to the owners of the Chargers, if you are going to replace a coach that has taken the team to a 14-2 record – you should try and get a good coach not just someone that is willing to kiss up to you to get the job. Turner’s overmatched by a box of matches.

The Mets may have, and I say may have, weathered the storm. They still have a potential to fall completely on their face but even with facing the Nationals – they are looking better than they did last week. But that isn’t that hard – zombies show more life.

And yes the Eagles Thowback uniforms are just hedious.

Peace love, My Eyes! My Eyes!


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