Monday, May 21, 2007

Fun Stuff

If you didn’t come you missed it. And you should regret that. A lot. Damn that was fun as hell. Yeah things were a little ragged and not everything worked perfectly but it was wonderful. I got to wear the ugliest shirt in the world, got to sing and play with some wonderful musicians and I got to sing our stuff with said wonderful musicians, which just blows me away.

Many many thanks to everybody – you helped make that one of the better nights of my life guys – it is the kind of thing you think playing in a band should be like – no egos, no divas (well maybe me – the shirt and such) and man it just sounded great – the drums and the bass, the accordion and the back up singers just well.

I find myself a little humbled here. When I first started to sing and then to write my own stuff, a lot of it was standard ‘I’m a sensitive guy in pain’ kind of thing – albeit with a bit of an attempt at a Robyn Hitchcock edge (Robyn once called romance ‘a little kiss of skulls’ – things like that I admire a lot from him). And then other stuff started to come out that was just flat out bizarre. But nobody and I mean nobody wanted to do that stuff. I’m not sure why – maybe because nobody was doing it, maybe it was just too strange, maybe I was looking in the wrong places (like the NY Folk scene – we still have to get kicked out of the bitter end) but anyway for the moment we got something.

Really, I’m so used to bad things, to not getting something to things not working out that I’ve developed an entire world view to cope with that. When something good happens, well I’m a bit stuck for words. But hey – I can learn can’t I?

The bigger band really helped the two newer songs – I want to get laid (damnit) just rocked with the steady bass drum pushing the song forward – and Kill Things Purple finally got to a place were I like singing it – it’s a weird song it starts off with me on the harmonica – the jumps to a ramones style straight ahead punk and them veers off into a bit of Flying Purple People Eater – then back to the punk then an acoustic fade out with the harp having the last word. The reaction of the people who were listening when The Enemy Below went into Purple People Eater was just perfect.

This band now has so much potential that I get a little nervous thinking about it – Jesus with a little more polish we could be opening for people – or maybe not because they might not like us case we might be too good. I’m told the politics of opening acts can be pretty weird.

At any rate we’re going to try and get a bigger venue someplace in June and then take some time off from performing to get the musical into shape – mainly the book – and the one and a quarter songs that need to be written.

Random Neural firings

Still waiting on the film were evil bisexual women warriors try and take over the earth or some such – it has great promise I think. And until proven wrong I refuse to believe the bisexual women warriors are evil – they are just misunderstood. I also think I am going to get a lot of hits for using the words bisexual warrior woman more than once. Sorry porn surfers.

Found copy of Goliath vs. the dragon a badly dubbed sword and sandal film featuring some well oiled muscleman (‘Johnny do you like Gladiator movies?”) And this times a dubbed Broderick Crawford – and why the hell would dub that voice but they did. It’s weird and looks to get weirder. So I’m set for this evening (Need a night in tonight – rest of the week looks busy as heck).

All sorts of lose talk about Alberto Gonzales and just how much longer he has as the Attorurney General. The Senate is going to pass some kind of statement of no confidence in Al and the vist to the intensive care ward story has hit everybody’s thug button. I think when they take him out he’s going to leave scratch marks on the floor and walls as he keeps trying to cling to his office. Although W is going to be loath to drop him since he loves the little weasel (cause all he does is kiss W ass and tell him yes sir) and once they toss Al out of the sled, if that doesn’t satisfy the wolves, that really only leave W and Dick and I’m not sure if Dick is really ready to toss W over the side (I mean really if it came down to those two you’d have to figure Dick would be the one left standing.

I see that Paris Hilton had her sentence reduced for good behavior. I suspect that is one of the very few times the name Paris Hilton and the words “good behavior have appeared in the same sentence.

As the day wends on my head feels more and more sluggish so I’ll just stop for the day like right here.

Pic is of a probation protest in the 30’s. It’s the kind of March you wish you could have seen.

Pics of the gig later today – promise.

Peace love, bisexual warrior women.


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