Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This that and Punishers

I’m not in as bleak a mood as I was yesterday but I’m not in the mood for dancing – well I’m never in the mood for dancing. But the mood is a bit up at least.

Much tooing and froing about the fact that a lot of National Guard equipment is in Iraq and stays there when the guard units come home. It apparently took two days for heavy equipment to reach that town in Kansas blasted from the face of the earth by an F5 tornado. The White House who’s only real concern is not looking bad has of course attacked the Gov of Kansas (who is a Democrat) without of course answering the question.

This kind of thing always floors me – we spend more on our military than almost the rest of the world put together and yet the story of Iraq has been mostly that of shortages of basic equipment, trucks, Humvees, bulldozers, cranes, body amour and the like – there have been scattered stories of guys not getting enough food or clean water while in the field as well. These guys are getting shot and blow up and screwed by the people who put them there. It’s insane.

All this while a company like oh Halliburton is given a free pass for losing millions of dollars.

It speaks volumes that the last congress blocked any kind of war profiteering bill from passing.

I have decided not to review John Carpenters Vampires – not for a while at least – one because it really stinks and I’ll need time to go through it and because b) I can’t find the damn tape – I suspect that it’s somewhere in my guilt closet but I’m not willing to go in there just yet – I have things in there that I put in when I moved in some years ago. So I know it’s in there but to have to shove my way though gaming magazines from 4 years ago is a bit more than I can take.

Besides the one memory of the film that sticks in my mind like a burr or a caraway seed lodged between my molars is the very very end when the James Wood Character asks the priest if he had gotten an erection while killing a vampire – stupid and wrong on so many levels that it makes my head hurt to think about it. The film, if memory serves featured a lot of guys in slow motion walking scenes and that dit-dit-dit background music that worked in the first Halloween and now is just really really annoying.

I’m not sure but it could just be that John was a filmmaker who got hampered by a big budget – which made him think too big – his best work is set in a small everyday worlds where all of a sudden horrible things start happening – the same territory that Stephen King can trod so well – that the normal everyday world you see right in front of you can turn into a nightmare in less time than it takes to say that. When ever Carpenter tried to tackle big themes and epic stuff well he just was okay.

Thinking about Steven I have to say I’m not that big a fan I’ve tried reading several of his books and really only made it though Salem’s Lot and the Shining and the stand – I’ve tried others but I keep losing interest – maybe I feel the short story is a better venue for horror stories or maybe as he’s gotten on King is less willing to cut out parts of a story that don’t work anyway I get bored pretty damn fast with him.

More bad movies are of course on their way from Net flix – who has to wonder what kind of foolish glutton for punishment I am. Well a pretty sick kind I guess.

The level of malfeasance at the DOJ doesn’t seem to have a damn bottom – now news is leaking out that a US DA was pressured to resign in part because he wanted to pursue an investigation of the murder of a US Attorney rather than voting fraud. The kicker being that the murdered attorney was a gun control advocate and there is a good chance that that is part of the reason he was killed – which would embarrass the NRA can’t have that can we?

Are they evil and stupid enough to do this? Yes. Of course they are. They bloody invaded Iraq they are stupid and evil enough to do anything.

For some absurd reason the I have the desire to see the god awful Captain America film – I can only assume that is fatigue talking – and a good night’s sleep will rid me of that desire. God what a horrible film that was – if for nothing else making the Red Skull (on of the more visually startling of villains in comics – not as good as say the joker but still right up there) into a) an Italian and b) not someone with a red skull – it’s got to be as stupid a decision as I can remember – back when Marvel was having problems getting a decent movie out there was Dolph Lundgren’s version of the punisher – where they didn’t use the skull t-shirt that Frank wears because (as per the movie people) – ‘that was too comic booky” which the poor bastards from Marvel tried to remind the good movie folks that this was a damn comic book. They didn’t succeed and so not only did we not have the punisher with his skull shirt until the more recent version – we also were treated to dolph’s soot covered butt as he sat naked and complained about his agent, sorry about killing or god or something – it’s merely a sign of how much the movie makers hated the audience.

Thoughts on bad superhero films to come.

Peace Love punishment


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