Thursday, May 17, 2007

Strange Days

Really things are bloody weird these days – you just can’t keep up.

I don’t mean weird in a good way – I mean weird as if everybody is having a mental break down at the same time.

There was the presidential GOP debate the other night were where just about everybody was saying “Torture!Torture! Kill! Kill!” to the vast approval of the audience watching. The one fellow who said “you know they are attacking us for a reason” was then jumped on with both feet by Rudy Giuliani in his full stamp out ferret’s mode – his riposte has gotten huge coverage and yet it’s not getting him the traction everybody expected it to. I suppose the reason could be that Rudy really looks like warmed over death – he doesn’t look like a well man at all (he isn’t he has prostate cancer – which while treatable isn’t much of a walk in the park). More like a skull with just enough skill to go over it.

Meantime Mitt Romney was jabbering something about doubling the size of our prison camp in Cuba to wild applause – guys a lot of the folks in there who were fucking goat herders who were sold up the river by chieftains in Afghanistan – an Australian citizen held there was recently released after three years and well he’s a free man in Australia – it seems his only crimes were being a foreign national in Afghanistan at the worst possible time. Lord knows how many other folks are in thee locked up because this clown car of a government is scared of admitting error in anything.

We have a war Czar. To me this says that W has simply given up. I’m told that Reagan spent the last two years of his presidency watching movies – we can only hope W decides to indulge in a similarly harmless occupation. True it means that Dick Cheney is in charge but how is that different than the last 6 ½ years?

Paul Wolfowitiz twists slowly in the wind, word is that he will be leaving the World Bank soon – he is insisting that he be cleared of any wrong doing but I’m not sure that will happen the board, smelling blood, is not interested in talking and W doesn’t have enough clout to do anything about it.

The thing about Woflowitz here is that he’s just the kind of creep who, if the bank did clear him of wrong doing wouldn’t resign because the bank had decided he’d done nothing wrong. And guys he has to go – you can’t go into a country and lecture them about corruption when the president of the bank is arranging a sweetheart job for his lady friend. You see why that doesn’t work?

Alberto Gonzales has been asked by the Senate if he wants to change the bullshit answer he gave to the Senate just a few weeks about how there were no Department of Justice concerns over the White House wiretap program – in light of the testimony from yesterday. I hear they want to haul his ass up there again. At some point, soon, if he does not resign, impeachment is the next step.

Practice tonight – stops and starts and what nots – and then gig tomorrow – I hope somebody shows up – people have put some hard work into this.

Day by day things look worse in Iraq surge, or no surge, war Czar or no war czar – the green zone is being shelled on a regular basis by mortar shells – I suspect that in a few weeks or even sooner they will have to deal with regular rocket barrages. Only a matter of time really.

I noticed that this is being called the worst season of American Idol ever – personally I have to wonder how the hell they can tell but no matter. These kinds of show just run out of steam, some faster than other others (dancing with stars has hit the wall very quickly)

I ‘ve seen a lot of stories saying that the impact of the housing slump won’t affect the economy – but they don’t know that, they are just saying that and hoping it is true.

Keep meaning to watch the last 2/3rds of King Dinosaur but well life is getting in the way – I need to watch few good movies over the weekend so I can grid my loins up for things like Dracula AD 1972 and the like – King Dinosaur just looks like it is going to hurt given the first part – it has lizards with things stuck on them as dinosaurs something that always is the mark of quality.

Finished Behind the Mirror a book about the Physics of alternate dimensions and string theory – the authors point – I think he was some what circumspect and well string theory makes my head hurt anyway is that the only thing string theory has given us as of now is a better understanding of string theory works – which isn’t much looking at it. A lot of folks are hooked into string Theory because of it’s mathematical beauty (I’ll trust the author on this) which isn’t always the best bet in science.

I meant to write a bit at least about the doors and other musical stuff but it’ll have to wait until tomrrow.

Peace Love Strings


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