Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Feelings and drums

Just to show you how my head works – most of the folks who would come to the gig on Friday won’t be there cause it’s the first game of the weekend Mets/Yankees series – which means it’s very likely that there are going to be more people on the stage than in the audience.

So what is my mood? Me I’m fine. Really. Disaster, bad stuff I can handle – good news and I go all to pieces – I remember the first time a woman told me I love you – couldn’t handle it went into a complete funk and half way convinced myself that she was just saying that to well I don’t really remember exactly what – since my head didn’t work really well in those days – the upshot was I was suspicious and pretty damn insulting because I knew she couldn’t be telling me the truth. I was a jerk – I’m less so but there is still enough jerkiness inside me that I have to watch myself. Lord knows what I’ll feel if we get the musical off the ground and god help me if it’s a hit. I’ll be in a funk for weeks waiting for something bad to happen.

As I write this I realize (to my chagrin) that more a few of my problems with my relationships have been – if nothing’s going wrong – I make something go wrong – either by doing or not doing something. It’s pretty twisted and this line of thinking is making my head hurt.

Last minute rehearsal with the drummer tomorrow – and then the gig – for some reason the Beastie Boy’s No Sleep till Brooklyn is starting to play in the jukebox of my subconscious

We have decided to call our music Lucha Libre folk – which makes no sense which is why we picked it boyos.

Saw this on a blog comment have to pass it along .

“Studies show that depressives are better than anyone else at correctly assessing the odds -- of being hit by a car, being mugged, winning the lottery, etc. Everybody else exaggerates the probability of the unlikely event, whether good or bad. (i.e. they overstate the probabilities of being mugged and of winning the lottery).

So, depressives are people who know what's going on. No wonder they're depressed.”

Snarf – let’s hear it for the power of positive pessimists.

It looks like Wofowitz is trying to cop a plea before he quits the World Bank. I’d rather they tossed him out on his ear but that’s not the way things are done with inside the beltway hacks – he seems to be concerned that what the world bank said “you are a lying weasel” will negatively affect him in later life or some such – like he’s going to let within a 100 miles of the levers of power once this administration goes the way of all things. The little (and man do something with your hair – or just shave it off and wear a hat) bastard is lucky he doesn’t end up in front of the Hague for war crimes along with the rest of hubris filled jackasses who thought they knew everything.
But that is not to be – frankly if the worst thing Wolfowitz gets is a slap on the wrists – fine as long as he’s not going to in charge of the World Bank anymore.

A mister Comey testified in front of the Senate that W had his bud Alberto Gonzales and some other thug in a suit go to the hospital to visit Ashcroft who was in the hospital in the intensive care ward, just let me write this again, in the intensive care ward - to try and get him to sign off on the wiretapping by the NSA that the Department of Justice had already decided was illegal and should be halted.

The insanity of going to somebody in intensive care and trying to bully them should obvious the anyone with the brain activity of a gnat – that said the gop folks are falling all over themselves trying to justify this insane behavior – the worst being Tony Snow who said to the affect “just because he’s sick his brain doesn’t work” which actually he is correct – Ashcroft refused to sign off on the wiretapping and indicated that he would resign if they tried to force him. Meantime the head of the FBI had called Ashcroft’s security detail and told them not to allow Comey to be removed from the room under any circumstances.

They don’t have a lot of beds in the intensive care wards in any hospital so if you are in one of those beds you are there for a pretty good reason even if you’re a big wig like Ashcroft.

It boggles my little mind this Victorian level melodrama gibberish going on in a hospital. I have nothing but contempt for Ashcroft but at least he knew illegal when he saw it. The kicker here is that the White House, despite Ashcroft’s refusal to sign off on the program – went ahead with it.

Now the thing that bugs me about all the talk about the wiretapping is this – nobody comes out and says that stands to reason the damn white house has been using these taps to spy on domestic political opponents. Why else hide the damn program? They easily accuse their opponents of being in league with the terrorists so it’s not a big leap to imagine they would talk themselves into thinking it is true and start to look for proof.

Jerry Falwell died yesterday. What I remember most – of all the hideous things he said over the years - was his urging during the last years of Apartided in South Africa that his flock buy kurggerands to prop up the failing regime because they were a bulwark against communism when the boycott of South Africa was taking off and the pressure to free Nelson Mandela was growing. He was as pure a lodestone for evil as Dick Cheney – and to give Darth Cheney his due at least he doesn’t claim to be speaking for god.
Yes Diana Rigg. Again.

Peace, love, it needs more cowbell.


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