Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I hate my head and Vampirella (the movie) too

Well it’s a lovely sunny day – not a warm as you might like but still very very comfortable, the Mets are playing, if not amazing are playing well and are tied for first place in the NL East, it looks like the gig on the 18th will be something special, people are enthused about the musical, my health is fine, the family is fine, work is well work (but I see a light there), , the jazz night at the Waltz was good last night, and things are looking up in general.

So of course I awoke this morning in a complete funk and convinced that absolutely everything is going to come crashing down any second now (I have to call the studio later cause I want to be sure we have the time and check Otto’s calendar to make sure we’re there as well) that it doesn’t matter anyway, that what I do is futile and useless and everything is futile and useless and not only is there no point to anything there really isn’t any point in even saying that there is not point, the whole project being a futile bloody mess anyway. And all my desires and wants are futile stupid and useless, unimportant and just plain meaningless. I’m just fooling myself in thinking that I have anything to offer anybody under any situation. I’m just a fat middle aged man with delusions of competency.

God I hate my head – nothing, I repeat absolutely nothing is in a material way different than it a day before and yet here I am struggling with a desire to leave work and go home to bed pull the covers over my head and well that’s as far as the plan goes.

This isn’t my normal well we are all doomed pessimistic this is an utterly debilitating sense of well personal uselessness – I’m feeling too down to even feel depressed here. And that sucks rockets.

This sort of feeling, to be honest, is always at least a bit in play. I’m always dealing with background worries like that I’m going to get let go from my job, that either a) I’ll never find anyone or b) even if I do it’ll never work, that my fiends will just drift away cause I bore them and that I’m too needy, happy thoughts like that.

I’m sure it has to do with my childhood there were you had to wait for things to go wrong – if you didn’t you were going to get blindsided. And while it was a long time ago – things going well kick off this ‘it’s too quiet’ sense of impeding disaster.

Can’t stand prosperity that’s the ticket. The feeling will go away but while it’s here it’s a bear.

Still – I managed to watch the rest of Vampirella – which while I regret, that can’t really account for my mood. Per the part of the Director’s commentary that I listened to (which consisted mostly of saying over and over again “we didn’t have enough money to do X”) Roger Daltrey took the part of Vald the chief bad guy because Keith Moon was a big Vampirella fan. Nice of Roger but still – he doesn’t look comfortable with the fangs and between the teeth and his trying to suppress his Shepard’s Bush accent he kind of spits a lot of his lines when he isn’t camping it right up.

The lady who plays Vampirella just looks cold a lot of the time – which is weird because the movie was shot in Vegas – or just doesn’t like to open her mouth when talking – and again she seems to have trouble with the teeth.

The sense I got from this film is they were writing the damn thing while they were shooting it – the film starts with a simple case of Vampirella following the killers of her step father to the planet earth (after a pretty badly done detour to mars of some 30,000 years) to kill them, then this purge unit (a kind of Men in Black x-files he man vampire slayers – I have to do John Carpenter’s vampires in bit – god was that a bad film) shows up with a descendent of the original Van Helsing helping to run it along with someone who’s name I forget but since he acted stupid I called him in my notes – the bald idiot.

So Van Helsing Jr and the Bald Idiot are also hunting Vald and his buds – Vampirella finds Vald as a rock star in Vegas – it’s a mark of how bad this film was that Roger didn’t even look right when he was singing – and that’s what Roger is yes?

There is a lot of toing and froing here in the middle or the muddle of the film – Vampirella and Van Helsing jr form an alliance and almost make with the humpty hump dance later but Van is pure or heart (or just gay) and decides to wait for that later.

Vald meantime wants Vampirella on his side (why because it makes the film longer) and there is a lot of build up to the evil plot that vald had to take over the world – it was looking at it, nice of vald to wait until Vampirella showed up before starting this plan of world conquest.

Like a lot of things in this movie – the focus suddenly shifts – one moment we are trying to stop vampires from taking over the earth and then pop – one pistol shot into a control panel and the evil satellites (don’t ask it’s obvious the movie doesn’t care why should you?) are history – and then we are back with Vald and Vampirella flying around (they can change into bats – no I don’t know why aliens from another planet could change into bats – they aren’t even sure why Vampirella isn’t affected by daylight or holy water or whatever and Vald and his people are – they just are, film needed an story editor like a lot)

The last part of the film consists of a tedious chase/fight between Vald and Vampi – which takes place – since the film was make on location at Vegas – at Hoover dam. There once again the director’s clumsiness and I guess budget problems killed a shot. At the end, as Vald and Vampi slug it out – there is a lightning storm brewing around them, then at the climax vampi hurls an broken off piece of Iron railing into Vald's chest – since it’s not wood (I guess - who knows with this film) he takes out and holds it over his head – there is a cut of a lightning strike – and then a reaction shot of Vampi and then Vald is on fire and then falls off the damn. What we didn’t see was a) the lighting bolt hitting the iron bar Vald was holding (and come the fuck on how hard is that shot – Iron pipe – van de Graf generator and bang you have the damn shot – the technology has existed since the 30’s bunky). Or b) Vald Bursting into flames – again this isn’t hard – just have a shot of Rodger looking uncomfortable – a little mucking with the image in the lab like making him glow and then the reaction shot of vampi and then the guy in the flame suit running around and screaming (and does lightning set vampires on fire? Again who knows with this film). It’s not that hard and I can’t image that expensive – but they didn’t I can only assume they ran out of time and money shooting the silly fight scene between the Purge unit and the vampires – which failed miserably.

Well back to the salt mine – I have copy of Jon Carpenters Vampires (where James Wood embarrassed himself for all time) somewhere – might pop that in tonight. We have rehearsal Friday and the gig next Friday – and make this one – you won’t see anything else like it anywhere else

Peace, Love, Vampire teeth.



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