Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sleepy, Vibrations, Vice, Coffins and Crooks

Time to crash

Well today is the day I go home and crawl into bed - I’ll be busy the rest of the week so tonight it’s sleepy bobo time (I hope).

Just realized that our gig will be going on the same time as the Yankees-Mets game. You know if it isn’t super bowls, 10 degree weather, it’s baseball. You have to wonder sometimes.

Some Intriguing headlines crossed the transom today

Alabama shop owner challenges sex toy ban – an adult store owner is trying to get the Supreme court to over turn a state ban on selling (but not owning – one assumes so there aren’t any embarrassing moments where a member of the state legislature is found in possession of shall we say certain devices while dressed up as a milkmaid).

Side note – and this is an absolutely bizarre one, one that speaks very deeply to my impression that there is something very very wrong with each and every one of us, no more so when thing we are being completely ration – is that one of the more common sex toys the vibarator was originally designed for a doctor’s use.

That’s right doctors. About the turn of the century or a bit later (I am not going back to check the details for bear with me about that) a mental condition known as hysteria was a major problem with middle and upper class women – and somehow, bless me if I know how, it was decided that part of the treatment was for doctors to - for all intents and purposes to give a hand job to these ladies – manually stimulating them until they climaxed. I don’t know much it helped with the Hysteria but if nothing else it had to be a morale booster for the women and brighten up an otherwise drab day for them.

Still there was a problem – for some women it was easier than others – remember these women were raised in the very height of Victorian/puritan upper/middle class thinking of sex as something evil and filthy that they as good women only did because their husbands wanted it (“lie still and think of the empire” was one British Mother’s advice to her daughter on her wedding night) so sometimes it took a while – a long time. To quote Frank Zappa “I poked and stroked till my wrist got numb but I still didn’t hear no Dynamo Hum”

So what to do? Enter technology, with electricity being used to generate the vibrating effect, the first being those weird ass things that you see sometimes at barber shops that would slip over the doctor’s hand so he didn’t have to work so hard to get the desired result. Then came the more typical shape and well after that the sky was the limit.

One more interesting point was that as the use by doctors faded (with the advent of Freud and well just changing times) virbrators were sold by mail order – they got around the Comstock law (which was passed in the 1870’s and is still on the books preventing the mailing of obscene material – which included contraceptive – they had no idea anything like the internet would ever show up) by never quite mentioning what the device was supposed to do exactly ‘restore tired muscles and soothe nerves’ was typical advertising copy

End side note.

Saw At Midnight I’ll take your Soul – the first of the Brazilian Coffin Joe films – which feature the director in the role of the anti-hero Coffin Joe. In this film Joe is an undertaker in a small town – he’s also a out and out Atheist who dresses in his black garb to spook the towns people – and it is an interesting concept, what would be more disturbing in religious community than a man who loudly proclaims his lack of a belief in God and the Devil and yet is not hit by lighting bolts or has the ground open up under his feet.

Totally amoral he goes about killing folks (in gruesome for 1964 manners and with a lot of enthusiasm – you have to admire someone who loves his work so) who get in his way of getting a son to carry on his blood line (his obsession) – the only time he is nice to anyone in the film other than himself is when he stops a man from abusing his son. It’s a pretty compelling character and rather unexpected as well – especially Joe’s direct confrontation with religion.

He of course comes to a bad end but the director is clever enough to make it not quite clear if the sprits that Joe sees are real or in his own mind – for a budget of about 11 cents it’s well done and spooky.

The last few twists and turns of the Wolfowitz at the world bank disaster are coming to a head – he is scheduled to appear before the board of directors of the world bank to discuss the findings of the world bank investigation that said – minus the corporate bafflegab – he was a scum sucking bastard who broke the rules to get his lady friend a sweet job at the bank and should be tossed out on his ass.

Dick Cheney ever the lodestone of evil said that Wolfowitz should stay. If you are ever faced with any moral dilemma ranging from “should I invade a country that is no threat to mine to gain domestic political advantage?” to “I’m still hungry - should I just take pieces of steak off of my wife’s plate without asking her?” figure out what Dick would do and then do the exact opposite. Works every time.

Another high official of the Department of Justice has quit leaving Albert pretty much alone in the department – meantime Albert is now blaming the Attorney General firings on the departed officer. The class of these guys never ceases to amaze.

Peace, love, that’s all for this week Mrs Feldmore


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