Monday, May 14, 2007

Rehearsal, Bagpipes, and the Ugliest Shirt in the world

Well we got the rehearsal in – at least with most of us – the facility was nice actually – I’ve been in studios that looked like they needed steam cleaning, bleach and then decontamination before you would touch everything. The only real problem was there was no AC for the first half of the session (they were trying to fix it and managed to do so about 9 pm) At one point when we took a break I looked down and there was a puddle right at my feet – I haven’t see the pictures but I have to have looked like a heat stroke victim by then.

We managed to get a lot done despite the head and the herding cats phenomena that continues to plague getting everything together – we couldn’t all be there at the same time – so when we take the stage on Friday – not only will it be the first time we’ve played in front of people together it will be the first time we’ve played all together on the same stage at the same time. (and such a small stage I’m not quite sure where we are going to be able to fit everybody but as long we don’t mind being close it’ll work.

Managed to get a decent version of Kill things purple – which despite liking the song doesn’t want to come out and play so I’m not sure how long it will stay in the set list. (It’s kind of like our song Gillian is dead which 3 weeks after Bob Denver died we had to explain the song to people).

Saw our drummer at the Bitter End last night (we are working on getting thrown out of there – which the way the universe and the great magnet work means we’ll end up as headliners but no matter that isn’t what I wanted to talk about) he was good and then listened to a few others – and I have to say (not about our drummer) but about the others – Bob Dylan has a lot to answer for.

Now don’t get me wrong – I think that Dylan is the one of the best and most revolutionary song writers of the post war era – the trouble is that what works with him (because he’s very very good ) doesn’t work for others. Dylan wrote some very long songs but he didn’t start doing things like Desolation Row and the like until album #3 or 4 by which time the audience was willing to go along with him on the trip (and being Dylan it was typically an interesting voyage.) you’re doing a singer song writer showcase at the bitter end on Sunday you don’t have that yet.

Briefly what I’m saying is for god’s sake EDIT PEOPLE and get to the bloody point of the song. I swear the songs just meander about like somebody wasting time in shopping mall waiting for a friend to show up – and when you get to the chorus you find you’re not sure just what these words have to do with the words that came before them.

And to be sure I don’t really find broken hearts – even my own to be that fascinating and I really have better things to do with my time okay?

One lady did a whole set with a ukulele – she had a very nice singing voice, if her songs did that wandering in the mall thing but alas a small about of uke goes a very very long way - it has per our drummer “a very bright sound’ which is a nice way of saying – after five minutes it’s intensely annoying and is well on its way to giving one a blinding headache. Still that’s only my observation. I also have bagpipe music on my i-pod – which I was informed means I am a total geek (this from someone who plays the accordion) well so be it – I was raised on the stuff – hell I even know that Irish Bagpipes have only two drones as opposed to the three on the Scottish version (kill me now please) so while to most people it sounds like cats in a bag fighting, I like the stuff – as do the dropkick Murphys a punk band that utilizes the bagpipes ability to make ear splitting noise on their records.

Anyway we also when looking for ugly clothes for the gig – my outfit is pretty set but you have to be open to new things. At the Salvation army Spencer found some god-awful stuff from the 80’s that’s he’s going to wear and I found a jacket that I’ll use as a back up to my regular one – it’s blue and purple and just totally tasteless.

However I did not find anything that was just right until we walked by Modell’s. There they were having a sale on what has to be the ugliest shirt in the history of the world – I don’t have a picture yet but it’s multi-colored skulls (purple yellow red black blue) and the over all effect is just hideous – it makes your head hurt to look at it, it does. Well I made a few whimpering noises before I went in to the store and then had to get the attention of an attendant because they were up to high for me to reach. I swear I was like a damn five year old jumping up to try and garb the shirt making strange gurgling noises in the back of my throat like the ape men in the beginning of 2001. The lady who got the pole thing they use to take the shirt off the wall looked at me funny. I understand I just couldn’t help myself.

It’s like my life has a to do list and one item on the list was “find ugliest shirt ever made” and now that item can be checked off. I still have to find “the worst movie ever made” and there are other things to do before my mortal coil can be shuffled off (songs, musicals, wild sex with beautiful eager women) – but at least one personal goal has been reached.

No picture yet maybe tomorrow.

Peace Love Scotland Forever


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