Monday, May 07, 2007

We’ve got a Blind date with Destiny

And it looks like she ordered the lobster.

The line is from Mystery Men – a movie I’ve watched a few times – (not as often as say Godzilla – which as best I can tell I’ve seen the American Raymond Burr Version at the very least fifty times, and the Japanese version 12 or so but to be fair I’ve only had the Japanese version since November of last year. This sort of things runs in my family – My brother has seen Jaws, in his own words, ‘at least 60 times” and that was a while ago.)

Back to Mystery Men – it wasn’t a huge hit when it opened (hell it seems to have been something of a bomb) but over repeated viewings it charms you – everybody is playing it dead straight and that is good (none of the mugging you got from the batman forever and batman and robin and the like) and that’s what makes it funny.

Actually for all the big ticket stuff (and this film cost a lot of cash) it’s a rather unpretentious little film – the story is the underdogs and the outsiders save the day. And for me it’s the little touches that make the film – The City’s ‘real’ superhero “Captain Amazing” (who’s uniform has stickers on it from various corporate sponsors on it like he was a NASCAR car) talking in his limo with his agent – the problem is that since the Captain has eliminated all the supervillians in the city – he isn’t big news anymore. In order to get big news they need big fights so the Captain tosses out names of supervillians.

“Get me Deadman”
“Deadman is dead”

And on it goes – it’s a very funny scene. And speaks to a rather sad part of America were everything you do is judged by whether you can make money off of it – that in the end is the crux of the biscuit – anything else is not worth the time – I remember my dad being happy that my younger brother was taking courses on computers in college “finally one of my children wants to make money” he said at some party.

Which brings us to the next gig – we have a good rehearsal on Friday – our accordion player couldn’t stay late so we didn’t have everybody together the whole night – that will be Friday in the rehearsal studio but lord a Goshen – it was a pretty sound they all made. It was bad enough when Spencer added his unique touches to the songs – I keep getting hooked into his solo on No Promotion and just tend to forget that when he’s done it’s time for me to sing again – now? Well I am a professional –even if it’s for comp drink tickets we will give a good show. Hell if everybody can make it (there is that herding cats thing again) it will be a damn great show. I have to wonder if we can get some press on this one – but that’s running ahead of ourselves.

It could be that ever since I’ve started playing music and especially since I started doing my own stuff, I’ve wanted to find folks that were simpatico and interested in making the kind of weird noise I heard in my head. First came the enemy below and Insect Girl and then Spencer and now, to quote Oddball in Kelly’s Heroes (another underrated film I think) “We can fight, we got an army”

I don’t know how long it will last (again with the herding cats bit combined with this weird Zen feeling I’m having these days makes me doubt the long term run of the Big Band) but it’s fun while it happens. And I will always have the memory of the special accordion solo in Someone Else.

Meantime in the surreal world.

The Washington Post published a story that said that the Democratic leadership had already conceded to W on Iraqi timetables – the only trouble was that what the Post said had happened, didn’t happen – it seems that somebody was feeding the Post’s writers some bs and the writers following the odd beltway idea of what journalists are supposed to do “repeat what you are told by sources without worrying about if it was actually true or not” ran with the story, which spread like wildfire and then when the various blogs and others (like the Democratic leadership) pointed out that there wasn’t a god damn bit a truth in the whole story the Post issued a correction – a mealy mouthed one but at least a correction.

You add this Friday’s Newsweek Poll that has W’s approval rating at a new low (28%) a story that was greeted with a huge silence by the Beltway crowd – for whatever it is worth, they like the little shit (maybe it was the ice cream and such on the campaign plane) and don’t understand why he’s doing so badly.

How about this: He’s an ignorant bully, he can’t talk in sentences and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I think that is a short enough list. Still their inability to see what’s right in damn front of them makes you wonder what the hell is in the water in Washington DC.

The rest of Vamprellia tonight – I think – these late period Roger Coreman films are a huge test of the life force

Peace Love Accordions


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