Thursday, April 12, 2007

I Got Nothin' but Grape Soda

It’s damp it’s raining, I’m whipped, I’m worried about my job, I haven’t had a decent nights sleep this week, and I’m just dragging.

Fun open mike last night “I wanna kill things purple” – got to do one new song which kind of worked but we flubbed the break where we lauch into the chorus of Flying Purple People Eater – but considering we wrote the song Saturday it came out well.

Let me explain the picture – the song lyrics make a reference to grape soda – originally I had written Grape Nehi a new York thing, I remember my dad talking about it – which the Enemy Below gently pointed out that nobody outside of new York and younger than 35 was going to have the vaguest idea of what the hell I was talking about. I agreed because I’m not that stubborn about such things – although I think grape Nehi sounds funny if people don’t know what it is, there’s no point. The picture is just to prove yes Grape Nehi soda existed.

Ran into a friend of ours who had been in Denver for the winter, got to hear her sing again which was good. She has a great singing voice and a new accordion that we’re thinking of putting to use in the band in an appropriately twisted way. See this space for further details.

The wire reports that Kurt Vonnegut has left us. I had not read him a long time but what I did read stuck with me – there was always this sense I got from him that humanity’s endless determination to make themselves and everybody else utterly miserable if not dead caused him almost physical pain. He got his start in the same place my dad did - oddly enough- back in the 50’s GE had it’s own advertising/publicity group in Schenectady, NY (full disclosure I was born there I don’t remember much we moved when I was about 4) it was there that Kurt started writing and got his first novel – Player Piano. One of my dad’s odd prized possessions is a mass market paper back edition of Player Piano with a new title (Utopia -14, could you gag?) and lurid cover. It was one of the things that led him to create his schlock Sci Fi writer Kilgore Trout a repeating character in the books. Something he did a lot.

It’s sad but as he would remind you it happens to all of us. Still it’s a loss.

So it goes.

Speaking of so it goes – it seems that the White House is now reporting that they have managed to lose a lot of the e-mails that the House Judiciary Committee wants to examine. Gee is anyone else as shocked as I am? I mean it’s weird that the files containing the e-mails that the committee wanted to see were the ones deleted. What bad luck.

Still nobody has come up to take the job of war Czar for W. You know the United Sates managed to fight a war that stretched all over the Pacific and large parts of Asia without having to appoint a war czar – but then they had a president who knew what the hell he was doing.

God what a stupid idea.

Imus – who has not been funny or the least be interesting in years and years and years will no longer be seen on MSNBC. I never knew why they did it in the first place watching radio on TV is boring enough to make time go backwards.

The thing that gets me about this is that when he said what he said, not a single person told him to shut up or even pointed out that these are very dedicated and hardworking young women and that what he said was god awful. It was similar to when Rush Limbaugh managed to shoot himself right in the head by suggesting the Philly QB was over rated because the liberal media was pushing a black quarterback. Nobody said a word; especially Chris Berman who really should have pointed out that McNabb had been in the pro-bowl which is chosen by the players at the very least. But that didn’t happen and the rest of Imus’ crew when right along with it.

Now some nitwits have said that since they didn’t know what Imus said was an insult, it couldn’t be one, which only makes sense if you admit you’re a huge screaming bigot with a vast knowledge of racial slurs and what Imus said simply isn’t something you use. Other wise, shut up.

One of the things that I learned when I was doing my head first dive into the history of the blues was how the southern culture twisted African American’s own view of themselves. For example straight hair (which one of the founders of the Delta Blues Charlie Patton had because he was part American Indian) was referred to as good hair. And the lighter the skin tone the more desirable a woman was (High Yellow). The whole thing just depressed me no end.

It broke my heart to read in BB Kings autobiography when he remember one of his teachers urging his students to be hard working and industrious as a way of proving to Mister Charley (white people) that they were not lazy and shiftless. I remember thinking you poor bastard, no matter what you did it wouldn’t matter, they were going to hate you anyway nothing you do is going to change that.

Anyway what Imus said was bigoted and hurtful in a very mean nasty way.

Enough of that – it’s raining and cold and at least it’s not going to be that tomorrow for the gig. But with this bands luck we could run into a freak snowstorm with lightning.

Like I said I’m kinda down.

Peace Love So it goes


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