Monday, April 02, 2007

A decision and a gray day

Gray foogy rainy day and a Monday rather downs the mood I must to say.

Well one thing – I’ve made up my mind – I’m going to do Plan Nine for my 200th Post rather than Manos – while I think Manos may actually be the worse film – there is a rotten meanness and general sleaziness at the heart of Manos that is not present in Plan Nine which since this kind of a celebration of me babbling so much – let me do the goofier film.

So it’ll take a bit, but it’s Plan Nine.

Didn’t get as much done this weekend as I might have wanted. Ended up going out Friday and because I just follow along in these things I ended up in some club in Hell’s Kitchen where a bud light set you back 7 bucks – this after paying to get in.

Not my kind of place – anyway ended up out too late and these days if I’m out and don’t get to sleep by a certain time – I’m up all night – one of the joys of getting older I guess, but it also meant I was going through Sunday in a sleep deprived Brain fog.

Random Neural Firings:

Remind me never to buy anything at Circuit City as long as I live. The soulless bastards who run the place have laid off 3,400 of their most experienced (and therefore most expensive) salesclerks. And the kicker here is after ten weeks they can reapply for their old job at a lower wage. Bastards – these are people who were doing their job well (hence they were being paid more). You have to wonder when the planning for the revolution is going to start.

Speaking of which the circuit City news comes a few days after it was reported that the top 300,000 have about as much income as the bottom 150 million.

And adding more depressing news of how twisted and warped by cash our world is - it seems that contaminated Wheat gluten made in China is responsible for all those pets (especially cats) getting sick and dying from their food. Kicker is that this Wheat Gluten was also Okayed for human consumption. So we’ll see what happens next.

I hope everybody is enjoying the wonders of the Global economy – and if Mittens gets sick and dies from her food or you can’t pay both the rent and the electric bill because you had to take a pay cut to keep you sales job – well at least important people get stock options and are able to buy really cheap electronic gear and that’s what’s important isn’t it. At least until the unwashed storm the gates with pikes and the $8.25 an hour security guard figures well – it’s not really his problem.

Meantime – W will not throw out the ball at The Washington Nationals home opener – he didn’t last year and by missing this year – he joins Richard Nixon (that name keeps showing up these days) and Woodrow Wilson (who had had a stroke) in missing two home openers in a row.

The White House Insists it’s because he is soo busy – right. There are all those other DA’s to fire.

Jon McCain, somewhat ticked by the skeptical response to his claim that you could walk around in Baghdad – did exactly that. He walked out on the street and wearing only body amour and accompanied by 50-100 US troops – the number varies – with 2 cobra helicopters overhead for air support; he showed the press that things were better. Indeed the other Senator (I don’t remember his name and I can’t be bothered to look they’re all useless anyway) told the press he was able to buy 5 rugs for $5.00.

Hoop de Shit.

So if it’s so safe – can we send the troops home yet? No. Didn’t think so.

Mets won their opener - While I know TV dollars drives the game – night games in April are cold as hell – and to have that as your opener well I felt for the folks in the stands.

Have to go – they are waiving paper in my face again.

Peace, Love, Play ball. (that's last years Met's Home opener)


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