Thursday, March 29, 2007

Post 201

Yeah I know it’s not really but I haven’t had time to watch and or decide on Plan Nine or Manos so you know it will simply have to wait until I can get to it. Hell it’s my blog so back off.

Fun at the open mike last night – Bill pointed out that it was Marlin Perkins Birthday – Marlin was the long time director of the San Diego Zoo and host of the long running TV Show Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom – in which Marlin would Narrate while his much younger assistant - I think his name was Jim would end up waist deep in a swamp trying to wrestle a 20 anaconda into submission. What I remember most about the show was just as Jim was about to get dragged under by the snake – the scene would shift to Marlin in the studio and Marlin would say something like “in the wild the anaconda relies on his strength and his knowledge of the swamp for protection, for us –today we have Mutual of Omaha”

The show ran for years – looking back I don’t understand why it did but hell I don’t get American Idol either.

I’ve been told not to watch Serials anymore – just as well I was watching Undersea Kingdom staring Crash Corrigan – and oh lord was this the gayest thing I’ve seen in a while – lots of bare-chested guys in little shorts – the lead is in these shorts with scales on them – and but one woman to be seen . I mean this is supposed to be in sunken Atlantis – what’s sunken Atlantis without babes in slinky stuff? I mean come on. Ming had plenty babes – as did Fu Manchu.

Then there is this kid Billy who keeps following Crash around and he gets a really creepy expression of pure joy anytime he watches two men wrestle (which happens a lot) and you start to think about a shower – a long hot one.

The crowning touch is when the bad guys have Crash strapped to the front of their vehicle (the juggernaught - its sci fi okay?) and unless Crash tells them what they want to know they are going to ram him into the gate.

“Go ahead and ram” Crash says – considering the way he’s tied up – wearing only little silver shorts with scales – him saying “Go ahead and ram” just doesn’t sound right.

Moving on –

W in an effort to boost support for his – “we’re going to be in Iraq until some else gets to clean up the mess I made policy” cited a blog that said how wonderful things were in Iraq (actually he cited a Wall Street Journal editorial written by said bloggers). Alas for W the blog citied – Iraq the model – is hopelessly compromised as an arbitrator of the truth – and looks very much like a pentagon funded spin site. But it’s telling W what he wants to hear and therefore – it must be the truth. Things are pretty simple in the oval office that way.

A while ago we did the killer sheep song – and in the process started off doing killer Sheep the musical – one of our little problems with the back story was to explain where the killer sheep came from –

Well here’s one possibility from yesterdays Daily Mail:

“Scientists have created the world's first human-sheep chimera - which has the body of a sheep and half-human organs.

The sheep have 15 per cent human cells and 85 per cent animal cells - and their evolution brings the prospect of animal organs being transplanted into humans one step closer. “

(big cut here – want to stay within fair use mind you) Anyway the doc in charge says that in the future:

“The process would involve extracting stem cells from the donor's bone marrow and injecting them into the peritoneum of a sheep's foetus. When the lamb is born, two months later, it would have a liver, heart, lungs and brain that are partly human and available for transplant.”

This is of course, the stuff of stupid science fiction movies - what disturbed me, because what I watch are stupid science fiction movies – is that the good doc is adding human brain parts to the mixture. This can’t be good – the last thing you need is a clever sheep or more precisely a sheep that knows what’s up and deciding that it for one, is not going to end up on the transplant table and is willing to kill.

The Killer Sheep!

In Technicolor!

Busy – more later.
Haven't put up a pic of Diana Rigg in a bit. Like maybe a week.
Peace Love, end of the quarter


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