Monday, April 09, 2007

Coffee, Egyptian Kings and baseball

Working off site until the Met’s game starts

Actually I’m sitting at a star bucks and none too happy about it. I’m not a big fan of these places – the coffee – except for the breakfast blend with they will not sell in New York stinks and the whole ambiance says “I am a fake”.

And most of what they sell isn’t coffee – it’s a milkshake with some coffee added. Which I assume is why they burn the damn beans all the time – they figure nobody can tell with the milk, chocolate whipped cream and sugar they add to the damn thing. If you do that I suppose that you can stand it enough not to spit the damn stuff out – I’m looking at my Grande (and don’t get me started on the fucking pretension behind that bullshit).

But I’ve ranted about star bucks before and as they say in Monty Python “this is supposed to be a happy occasion”

God this coffee sucks.

Anyway this looks to be a bear of a week – band wise that is – we are going to be doing an open mike in Brooklyn, a last begging for people from the waltz to come and see the show and then Friday is the gig.

And then I am off to Philly to go see the King Tut Exhibit at the Franklin Institute.

While the show is called King Tot and the golden age of the pharos – Tut’s reign was anything but that. Tut was the son of the heretic pharaoh akanaten who had replaced the worship of the many gods of Egypt with the worship of the sun god Aten. It wasn’t really monotheism in the way that we understand it. It was more like this is the only god they were allowed to worship – it’s a bit complicated one) because the Egyptian’s minds worked like spiral staircases when it came to religion and two) the tore down Akanaten’s city and destroyed most of the writings – there is one prayer that remains but what the actually beliefs were is hard to make out. It is similar in nature to scholars writing about the Gnostics before the discovery of dozens of Gnostic gospels in 1945 prior to that they only had a few scattered quotes and the writings of the early church fathers who, had little in a positive light to say about the Gnostics.

There is a tendency these days to over romanticize the Gnostics these days – dissatisfaction with standard churches and the utter banality of the right wing mega churches feeds into that but the Gnostics had more than their share of repressive world views – they regarded the world, the human body its functions and especially sex with if anything greater horror than our dear St. Augustine. (and just how does ditching a woman and her child make someone a saint? I don’t know the circumstances but it just feels wrong as hell).

Anyway the upshot is that Tut ruled for brief time during an unsettle era in Egyptian history which makes what was found all the more amazing. This was an obscure king who died when he was 19 years old. Seeing his funeral treasures the mind boggles imaging what the hell the tomb of say Ramses III (the Great) who ruled Egypt for over 50 years would have looked like.

Coffee is still bad – I’m going to have to go to the waltz to wash the taste out of my mouth.

Wrote two songs over the weekend – which we are going to unleash upon an inspecting world on Wednesday – it’s weird – now days I could feel as utterly stuck as I possibly could be but the enemy below usually manages to not exactly pull something out of me, but actually just give the confidence to jabber whatever the hell that comes to the top of my head. And since that head is filled with all these weird things what comes out can be a bit on the odd side – which is what we want.

I notice that Grind house didn’t overtake the silly skating movie this weekend – I’m not sure when I’m going to see it. It’s funny it’s like I kind of like the idea of Quentin Tarantino but as far as his actual output not so much. Kill Bill was really after a while a game of spot the genre spot the reference – “say that’s scenes from lady snow blood!” and so on.

Still to all the critics that keep waiting for Quentin to make that adult film that doesn’t use genre devices – guys give it up – the man’s 44 years old now – what you see is what you are going to get, trust me on this. If anything he’s going to get more rather than less genre oriented – the man is never going to be Bergman okay? So just judge the film as a film don’t hold him to some “time to grow up” checklist you have in your own head.

Okay – okay

Ended up finishing the x-files first season this weekend – again it’s the fate of the innocents that gets me, people who for no reason they are in the wrong place at the wrong time get crushed like bugs as huge forces that they never suspected existed roll over in their sleep and squash them.

That and spent far too much time at City of Heroes still Le Bug of Blu now has a fancy cape. God I do need a life yes?

Going to the Met’s home opener today – as a silly note because the Mets have three different hats I worry about which hat to bring – I’ll probably wear the newest but it is this kind of silliness that fills a fan’s mind. No real thought is needed to be this.

Anyway need to check the mail again.
That's Christy Mattherson - hall of fame pitcher for the NY Giants back in the dead ball era.

Peace Love Let’s go Mets.


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