Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Keith's dad and a Walrus

Well you can’t top this – ever:

Keith Richards (who I continue to think is really dead it’s just the drugs and the blood of virgins that keep him upright) admitted to snorting the ashes of his dead father.

Not that people won’t try:

Danish Scientists are going to try and track Walrus migration by GPS – there has to be nothing whatsoever to do in Denmark. Still who the heck are they going to get to spend his time shooting tracking darts into the hides of huge bad tempered smelly animals? Momma don’t let your babies grow up to be post docs in Denmark.

Signs of the Apocalypse:

5 legged frogs have been found in the Themes River in England. Apparently a) there is more than one and b) they have already been found in the US.

Rudy Giuliani is leading in the polls in California proving that the further you get from New York, the better he looks. He does seem to have some problem with exactly what he’s running for – when asked about a president having the power to arrest someone and imprison them without charge he said he’d use the power sparingly. Uh-huh – right this is the man who sued New York Magazine for breach of copyright for using his name. Never mind the whole idea of jettisoning due process and all the rights painfully acquired for the average citizen since the fucking Magna Carta caused him not a jot of concern.

And there is the wife deal – he has now asked the press to lay off now, after a) saying Judith would be included in cabinet meetings – and b) now it seems one of her jobs involved surgical staples which were used on dogs during demonstrations – I don’t know if they were sales demonstrations or not – after wards the dogs were destroyed. (You kill people nobody cares much except people that knew the victim – kill a dog and you’ll be luck to escape lynching.

Off to the open mike tonight – trying to rustle up some interest in the next gig – be a good idea if I printed some fliers yes?

Iran has released the hostages or will. The wailing and gnashing of teeth you hear in the back round is the White House and their remaining supporters who have been cheated of a cause for attacking Iran.

W: Me want boom boom
Aide: I’m sorry sir you can’t just bomb a country, you do need at least some reason to do so.
W: Me decider! ME want to make the boom boom!

And so on.

Got to warp it up quick – got to finish a project that will help me keep my damn job.

Peace Love, I am the Walrus


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