Thursday, April 05, 2007

Open Mikes, Side tracks and a new hat.

Odd open mike last night – Bill was late, Song wasn’t around to play the piano to start things off - and that does something, I’ve come to expect it really, it ads a nice prelude to the evening kind of like well – the life, that bit were you worry about your job, taxes, that you are gaining weight or that Robots disguised as Bigfoot are stealing your stuff and that the president is a babbling lunatic petulant head case who Dick Cheney Watches talk from a grassy knoll. SIDE NOTE: Just what the HELL was up with that? I swear to god the white house press corps must chug chough syrup before they got to a presser cause a) no matter what kind of baboonish noises the president makes form the podium, not a single reporter asks “with all due respect Mr. President you are utterly full of it” and b) with Darth Cheney lurking in tall grass nobody but nobody thought to ask a question like “Hey what’s with Dick?” I have no idea what he was doing. Maybe he was hiding Easter eggs – the ones with razor blades in them. END SIDE NOTE

Okay anyway we ended up playing first – because Bill didn’t really know anybody else – which was odd – there was like nobody we knew the crowd wasn’t the usual. We decided to start with someone else – and finish with alien agenda. We know the songs (almost too well we plan to do some serious writing over the next few weeks and pop some older songs back in the rotation cause well once the cd comes out we’ll have to play the older songs again) so then I start jabbering to warm or warn the crowd (I’m never quite sure really) and I make mention of Keith’s snorting the ashes of his dad story – at which beer boy, in a tone of voice that I didn’t much like, said that the stones publicity department said it was an April fools joke. SIDE NOTE TWO: It may be that Keith was pulling the interviewer’s chain or that the interviewer miss heard what ever it was that Keith was talking about – “Keith Keith throw me a vowel” (form the Saturday night live skit) Keith’s vocal utterances are well I can’t really describe them but it’s like someone clubbed Tom Waits over the head, glued his mouth together and then asked him to talk – it’s this bizarre slur/growl/drooling sound that once you hear you it you wonder how the hell anybody understands a word. Even Ozzy’s fractured I have done too much damage to my frontal lobes so I keep forgetting what the hell I was about to say is easier to understand than Keith. But be that as it may I would have liked the denial of the story to come from Keith and not the publicity department. I’m sorry people in publicity lie for a living “this is the best stones album ever” “Adam Sandler has scored another knockout” “Brittney’s newest Album yet explores in detail her inner life and yearnings” so I’d take what they said with a grain or two of salt END SIDE NOTE TWO. Anyway I launched into the song (after being reminded of the key by the Enemy Below).

Let me explain that. I was a bit off cause there was this sweet looking little gray haired old lady sitting right in front of me. This did cause a moment’s hesitation before I started because I was about a) curse at the top of my lungs and b) talk about ‘awesome head’ in front of a woman who looked like my grandmother. Yes even I have a small reservoir of shame. It’s not like I didn’t do the song – I just tried not to make eye contact. She did have this kind of hit in the face with a fish expression when we were done.

After we finished beer boy (who was running the show for Bill who had other matters to attend to) managed to mangle our name (again). Once more and for the record – the name is Bob Muir & the Enemy Below not just The Enemy Below, the Enemy Below is the Enemy Below not the band. He gets upset when people keep making that mistake and when he gets upset, well, the less said about that the better since skinning alive is still illegal in a lot of places.

Just sayin’ that’s all.

So after a couple of comedians come up the gray haired old lady (who’s name I forget sorry) came up and sang a lovely pair of songs using the bible as lyric source – I’m not that religious – especially organized religion but I’ll never mock belief – try and covert me and well you have been warned but otherwise live and let live.

And the Insect Girl came up and did a cover of Steven Lynch’s Spakin’ it – which is about jerking off – and the night ran right back to the gutter. We all left at that point for a few reasons – The Enemy Below and Insect Girl had early days ahead – I was beat and well no offense but beer boys a self impressed twit and I was too tired to deal with self impressed twits.

Anyway hopefully things will be more normal next week and we will have new stuff.

The Sailors are Marines are back from Iran. The sickest thing is that the right wing blogs are up in arms about them not getting killed I guess and providing monkey boy with an excuse to bomb Iran. Well tough shit.

Off to get a Godzilla movie tonight – I think I will get Godzilla raids again the quickie squeal to Godzilla – it’s not that good but I’ve never seen the Japanese version.

Need a new Mets cap for the home opener. The sweep of the Cardinals was nice now let’s see if they can send the same message to Atlanta.

Peace Love Sweep


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