Friday, March 30, 2007

Bad Craziness, Slaps, News and Swedish Monster Movies

It’s Friday and so time for bad craziness

Got on the subway this morning – kinks on the pod – not thinking about much just staring into space really – I was standing – there was a space but it looked too small for me so I stood grooving to the music.

At the next stop – several folks got on – a thin young woman popped herself into the seat – just in front of an older heavy set woman who shoved someone aside in her race for the seat – which was much much too small for her – if she did sit down in it she was going to squeeze the people to the right and left of her – who, being people, would be too polite to say anything – I’ve seen this before.

So anyway the older woman got right in the young woman’s space – I mean right up in it – and said “Can I have the seat please” in a tone of voice that said “give me that seat you bitch”

And then the young woman slapped her in the face sending her glasses flying. Everybody gasped and then after the older woman started yelling (after getting her glasses) the young lady let off a stream of curses (featuring massive use of what we shall call the C-word) and then freely speculated on the older woman’s social life and medical condition. And then the older woman walked up to her – and slapped her face – breaking the young woman’s glasses (just a bit of advice here to everybody – if you hit someone and you’re wearing glasses it’s a good idea to ditch them cause you’ll probably get whacked in return).

After that the whole thing turned into a slanging contest with loose talk of calling the police tossed around. I was starting to sick to my stomach from adrenaline feedback and decided – since it was a nice day outside and I didn’t need this on my way to work (the atmosphere in that car was fucking toxic) so I figured it was time to get the hell outta dodge. I got off at the next stop and had a quiet rest of the trip into work.

Things like this amaze me – how two people can go from not knowing either party exists to hating each other guts is utterly bewildering to me. And over a seat no less. And there are no innocents here – the older woman acted like a bully and the younger completely overreacted to the violation of her personal space.

They need to need to switch to de-calf the pair of them.

In other news the King of Saudi Arabia has in a speech denounced the US occupation of Iraq. Ouch – I think he was the guy holding hands with W back when they visited. That’s got to hurt – seeing as they and the UAE has announced they won’t let the US use their bases if we attack Iran.

Here’s hoping the sailors are okay – still what the heck they were doing in what are disputed waters looking for smugglers of cars is a bit beyond me.

Meantime there is announcement of a huge crackdown in Iraq to counter the surge in violence there – this, of course, comes the day after Lieberman babbled about how things are getting better over there and that the plan is working. You can set your clock to things like this happening every time Joe opens his mouth.

A former member of the Justice department has come out and said that quote: “Over the last six years, this Justice Department has ignored the advice of its staff and skewed aspects of law enforcement in ways that clearly were intended to influence the outcome of elections.” Which, while it doesn’t shock cynics and those in the Blogsphere that much (the average reaction has been “duh”) it’s the first time the subject’s been broached in the mainstream. We’ll see the fallout from that. Prior Mainstreams reactions to any hint that the GOP has been trying to gimmick elections has been met with the media people sticking their fingers in their ear and saying “Lah Lah Lah!! I can’t hear you.” Sex and panty sniffing they love to death – a real crisis that could upset their nice lunches and they panic.It’s Friday and time for the bad news dump. You wonder what it is.

Rudy Giuliani has said something to the effect that, if he is elected president he would have his wife sit in on the cabinet meetings because she is so smart. Now no disrespect intended to the current Mrs. Giuliani but aside from learning that she forgot a past marriage (it can happen to anyone) the only time I remember her saying anything, she’s been quoted as saying as how brilliant her husband is. I’m not sure how that would help during a cabinet meeting where you want a frank exchange from time to time.

Sec of the Interior: Mr. President, we can’t do that. Indian land is…
Mrs.: Giuliani: are you saying my husband is wrong? He’s brilliant!
Rudy: Thank you dear.
Mrs. G: he has more brains in his little finger than you have in your entire body. Remember who hired you.
Rudy: thank you dear, that’s enough.
Mrs. G: he is a god among men, a Hercules and he’s fantastic in bed as well, when was the last time you got laid you fat bastard. He does this thing with his -
Rudy: That’s Enough!

And so on.

Little Bad Movie Review:

Terror in the Midnight Sun/Invasion of the Animal People

A Swedish-American co production and the first Sci Fi Film shot in Sweden; it also explains why there haven’t been more of them. It’s dull and lifeless and nothing really happens – there is a space ship and 20 foot tall furry guy who wanders about destroying things then falls (al la King Kong for the female lead and Barbra what the hell were you thinking?) and is then burnt to death by a mob and an early use of a body double in shower scene (cut for the American Release). After that the Space ship leaves. Add lots of footage of Laplanders and people on skis and it all gets rather tedious. It was shot on location so props to them for that but really you wonder why they did this in the first place since the story is so thin.

And, because, I guess, the Americans didn’t think it was god awful enough because they spliced John Carradine jabbering science sounding gibberish – added a weird Barbara having a breakdown because of a flying saucer (and then promptly forgot about it) and then just ran the rest of the film with odd cuts and adding other actors who did talked about nothing and called it Invasion of the Animal people.

It’s not bad enough to make you wonder what the point of existence is but it’s plenty bad.

Weekend plans sleep, a party Saturday night and COH – and work on the 200th post.

Peace, Love, Smack in the face



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