Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday and Can't Find Godzilla

It’s Good Friday so nothing is happening – much anyway.

I’ve always wondered about the term ‘good’ Friday. It wasn’t a very Good Friday for anyone involved in it so why that phrase? I mean even for the Romans, they way did things, three was a slow day. Well enough of that.

I see that at almost the same time Dick Cheney is on the radio with Rush saying that Saddam had a relationship with Al Qaeda the Defense department has declassified a report that says captured documents and interviews confirm that Iraq was not cooperating with Al Qaeda. But it doesn’t matter Cheney lives in another universe that’s all. He just projects himself into ours from time to time. He actually doesn’t have a pacemaker, that device is that allows him to travel between universes.

And really the Al-Qaeda/Saddam link up never made a lick of sense. Al-Qaeda was a fundamentalist Sunni group and Saddam was a secular dictator. They were enemies not allies. Saddam tossed any Al Qaeda types he could find into prison. Them linking up was as about a likely as a pope/ Stalin alliance. But since “we want to do it” wasn’t enough of a reason to invade Iraq, they made stuff up.

Plato, when describing his dream society the Republic (in which I would never live by the way Artists (Poets in Plato’s words) were not wanted much.) there was a think he called ‘the noble lie’ I forget the exact details but basic idea is that in order for the underlings to accept the rule the philosopher kings and the warriors who were going to supply the muscle there was going to be some kind of myth spread about how the gods made people to do different jobs or some such, the upshot being that the upper levels would know it was total bullshit but it would keep those pesky lower orders in line. The point being a whopper was being told so that the folks would do the right thing.

It’s possible that the ape brains in the White House viewed, for whatever reason, the invasion of Iraq was of such supreme importance that well lying like rugs was justified. It wasn’t but it is possible this is what they were, well I really can’t use the word thinking but it’s the only one that’s close. And really it wasn’t very noble it was just a lie.

Couldn’t find Godzilla raids again in either the Virgin Megastore or a couple of other video shops I go to – if it wasn’t so fricking cold I’d be off to J&R. Well eventually I’ll get my hands on it.

Still waiting for War of the Gargatuas to come out. Sigh. I need a life.

Well maybe not – it could be that this is my life. Eh. It’s not that bad.

In the Friday news dump 4 prosecutors out of the Minneapolis US District Attorney’s office have demoted themselves on the same day – this after a meeting with someone from Washington in effort to get them to not to I suppose. Word is they quit because the new appointee is a) a former close aide to Albert (I’m not quitting yet) Gonzales and is b) dictatorial and c) fond of quoting bible verses.

Well the last isn’t always that bad – I have few verses I like “Vanity of Vanity all is Vanity” “let the day be cursed that I was born” and a friend of mine was fond of a bit of Jeremiah “and the tables were filthy and covered with vomit” but I don’t think these are the kinds of verses they are talking about. Further news as this develops but I’m willing to bet money this nitwit is another brain challenged bushbot.

The Friday news drop has happened – The Justice Department is refusing to release papers concerned with the attorney firings. And the magic word subpoena is back in the air.

More later – I’m going to watching X-files this weekend – the first series. To tell you the truth these are sometimes tough to watch for me cause I feel for the poor innocent bastards who get destroyed by the various horrors of the X-files world. They are trapped like rats in a cage on a sinking ship. And Mulder is like a doctor in the early 20th century before the advent of antibiotics, all he can really tell them is exactly how fucked they are and by what. It can get to you if you watch them back to back.

Weekend I hope to get some in Bride of the Monster, those god awful Larry Bauchman films, mid period Frank Zappa and of course Plan Nine.

Peace, Love, Solarmernite Bombs


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