Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It was a dark and open mike

Went to the Bar 4 in Brooklyn and did two of our songs - maybe not best but the ones that people hearing us for the first time stick with them – Some One Else and Stacy. It was, after playing so much at the Waltz that we felt like we lived there, different. The ones that liked us really really liked us and we were able to schmooze a bit and pass our fliers and urge people to come too the next gig. If they will or if they woke up this morning with a fuzzy taste in their mouth from too much beer and a vague memory of having seen a terrific band that they mean to find out more about later when their head doesn’t hurt so much and move on to coffee and with that the thought fades forever. (I’m not much of an optimist by nature as you may have gathered).

Still it was great to get such and enthusiastic response from folks – and I was kind of flattered when one guy asked “did you write this? It sounds like something Tenacious D would have done”.

I’m going to take that as a complement– I may not be that big a Jack Black fan or a that big a fan of Tenacious D but hell they’re wandering the same ball park we are (just for the record I think we are a lot more musically interesting and varied but that’s merely pride in the band coming out) and the guy meant it as a complement so I’m going to take it as such. Still if we keep getting that comparison I think I’d get a little tired of it, like I’m sure the Pretty Things (60’s UK rock and roll band big over there unknown over here) got tired of the “you sound like the stones” comments after a while (especially while it was true at first – they moved on after that. Their song writing was never as good as the stones but they were and remain a good band with their own way about things)

So it was a pleasant time for all – years ago The Enemy Below had done some playing at the open mike and remembered they used to have a pabst blue ribbon special $15 for all you could drink. They don’t have that anymore. It was either to try and up scale the bar or they ditched it after some lunkheads came in drank a few cases of Pabst Blue Ribbon and then decided to trash the place. Alcohol can have a lot bad effects one of them is that hitting people and things seems like a good idea after enough beers.

Going home we got to see the garbage train - big noisy subway thing that is, as you might guess, filled with garbage. We were lucky it was fairly cold out – middle of summer you do not want to be down wind of that puppy - trust me on this.

The funny thing was that right after the Garbage train left one of the token guys came down the stairs with his bags of garbage. Too late!

Well off to Waltz tonight – see what falls out.

Funny mood today – I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time and while most of the time this is okay sometimes I get these little pangs, and this is one of those days. It could also be I need lunch and my blood sugar is low.

Out in the world I see that the department of Justice has dragged its feet (gasp shock horror!) on supplying the documents so the House judiciary committee has issued a Subpoena duces tecum – meaning you and the documents the issuer wants have to show up. Namely the evaluation documents for the Attorney Generals that weren’t fired. ("willing to lick shoes to keep job - loyal Bushie")

This could get interesting.

A depressing bulletin from the class struggle:

Between 1995 and 2005, CEO compensation has increased by 298%. The average worker's pay has gone up by 4.3%.

“Arise ye prisoners of starvation”

The White House is shopping around the post of War Czar to have responsibility for all operations in Iraq and Afghanistan – I guess to have someone to blame when it all falls apart, someone other than the man that he and his defenders continually speak of as ‘the commander in chief”. The paper reports that they have asked 3 retired 4 star generals and they all replied No thank you.

Peace Love Can you say Scapegoat?


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