Sunday, September 07, 2008

This and That and Dwarf Warriors

If anything is ironic in the way I understand what irony is – it was John McCain talking about change to a hockey area full of people who are completely and totally satisfied with the way things are right now.

It’s also not quite clear just how McCain is going to be different from W who was pretty much shut out of the convention. And we have the unusual situation of both candidates for president running against the current holder of the office.

Now we have the news that McCain’s Vice Presidential nominee – A Sprio Agnew with female bits – will not answer any reporter’s questions during the campaign.

Think about that – the Washington Press corps is what they are afraid of – the type that asks questions like “how does your faith help you?” and “do you think your opponent is shrill?” is what they are afraid of? I mean what happened off camera to make the handlers decide she cannot be let out in public?

I also see that she is going to be taking a ‘timeout’ from the campaign trail – which is a bit of a head scratcher after all she just got here. What’s going on?

Anyway thinking about Ms. Palin I have to say I don’t like her – she reminds me of many many smug and angry suburban women I’ve know over the years. Also I see that there is a strain of Nixon level ruthlessness in some of her actions – like firing people that gave money to her opponent – firing – or trying to fire the librarian of the town because she wouldn’t ban books from the library her supporters didn’t like (and again what books were they we want to know) and the whole pregnant daughter thing.

I know nothing about the Palin household – however I think had this been anyone else a pregnant 17 year old daughter would be a sign that things weren’t good. Especially if you’re the governor of a State and she’s doing the beast with two backs with a self described redneck. It’s interesting that the same people piling on the young woman who was on TV who got pregnant citing it as evidence of America’s moral decay. And to a man they are cheering the young lady’s pregnancy and that they are going to marry.

To a suspicious mind like mind – this smacks of mommy deciding that her daughter needed to get married to keep Mommy’s bid as VP alive – and put the screws to the two kids.

Early marriages like this rarely work out – for one thing they are just too young and add the whole mommy’s running for vp I don’t give this much a chance to work. I also feel for the baby who’s coming into this mess.


First rehearsal in a while as we build up to the trash bar – they have an open bar from 8-9 so you nothing else you can get you ass wrecked before we play. Looking forward to this gig the ambiance seems just right.

Again sorry for the light blogging but things are rather tight these days time wise between work and well World of War Craft is just such a time suck .

And let’s just not talk about the Mets – okay?

Peace Love Dwarf Warriors


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