Friday, August 01, 2008

He's just too whatever, a Canadian beheading and other signs of the Apocalypse

Once again I get enough sleep and it looks like the discourse has been taken over by idiots.

One – the most recent meme to surface from the right wing spam swamp is that perhaps Obama is TOO SKINNY and TOO FIT to be president.

Now if one remembers back in 2000 or so – there was much and oh god so much made of what a fitness buff W was how much he ran, worked out yadda yadda yadda and that made him okay to be president. Now that Obama runs and works our and is pretty skinny that means he can’t be president.

McCain also accused Obama of using the race card – which isn’t really the race card – using the race card these days is saying the other guy is using the face card – and trying to be smirch the reputations of white people. Hillary used a version of this in West Virginia – it worked in West Virginia but not so well elsewhere.

Expect more of this nonsense as we get closer to the nomination conventions and then for it to be flowing like a river 24-7 as the election nears.

A sign that the rats are jumping ship – more than a few GOP congressmen who are expecting a tough fight to get reelected are not going to the convention in order not to be seen with W.

Meantime – in a story that illustrates Hunter Thompson’s conviction that your worst nightmare can come true at any moment – a man boarded a Greyhound bus in Canada sat next to a sleeping man then first stabbed the man in the neck several times then decapitated him and carried the head out with him.

There is something Grand Gingoul about the last touch I have to say.

I mean there you are one minute sleeping on the Edmonton to Winnipeg bus and the next minute someone is chopping your head off. One minute you on the bus from Edmonton to Winnipeg (and think of how depressing that fact alone must be) and the next – someone is chopping someone’s head off and then taking his gristly trophy up to the front of the bus.

Meantime in what seems to be an previously unknown sign of the apocalypse – a Texas border town has been over run by Skunks – while not as bad as the Canadian town that gets overrun by Polar Bears every year – it still would be enough to make me consider moving.

News comes that a man who worked with the FBI to analyze the Anthrax mailed to various political and news figures in the days immediately after 9/11 has committed suicide as the Justice Department was going to file charges against him.

The anthrax attacks are mostly forgotten although they were much with us in the days after 9/11. They always felt internal to me – the list of names that t the letters were mailed could have been gotten from listening to Rush Limbaugh’s show for a week or so – except for the Florida newspaper which if memory served had published the information about W’s DUI in Maine.

There is something wrong feeling about all this – add to this ABC is withholding the names of the government officials who back in 2001 assured ABC that the Anthrax found in the letters had traces of a chemical that only the Iraqis used. (looking back now – from a vantage point where we hear that Dick Cheney was asking for American seals to dress up as Iranian Republican Guards and drive motorboats near to American Warships to get them to fire on them – you have to say “how convenient”) when the truth was there was never any chemical sign or anything else that pointed to an Iraqi source. EVER. ABC is sitting on the names of the people who lied to them about the Anthrax. I’m willing to guess one of them was scooter Libby.

In another previously unknown sign of the apocalypse there are villages in northern Greenland where only girls are being born. It has something to do, they think with the concentrations of pcb’s in the women’s blood stream – pcbs are especially concentrated in marine animals in the Artic and in northern (and hell even southern) Greenland – there isn’t much else to eat.

In India comes news of a mass sacrifice of goats in an attempt to ensure that the Congress Party remains in power in India after the next Election – I wouldn’t be surprised if McCain tires this later. Hell he seems willing to do anything at all to get elected.

Well need to dash – end month and gig stuff wish us luck
The picture - well something about Hello Kitty terrifies me deeply so it seemed apt.

Peace Love One, Two Three Four!


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