Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Line in the dirt and an eye that crawls

McCain seems to be well milking being a pow until it moos with pain. While it can’t
have been a very pleasant experience – he can’t lift his arms over his head because
what the NVA did to him – it’s not really a guarantee of being a good, well anything.
In fact I remember reading somewhere where he admitted that he ended up at the Hanoi
Hilton because he was a bad jet pilot.

I also remember during the first bush election they kept replaying the footage of Bush
being picked up by a submarine after he crashed in his Avenger TBA – which again
was a puzzler for me- Elect Bush president because he survived a plane crash? It
just stuck me as bloody odd – inability to keep a plane in the air (granted they
were being shot at) equals presidential timber I don’t get it.

The latest flap is that John has been talking about his experiences as a pow add
this story that as he was walking about in the yard and a North Vietnamese guard drew a cross in the dirt.

That’s slightly implausible in a few ways: Viet Nam was Communist then (and still
is now if memory serves) and religion was frowned upon. Second Buddhists were far
and wide the largest religious denomination in the country – there was a Roman Catholic
presence but it was in South Vietnam – the unlamented Diep South Vietnam’s first
president was Roman Catholic – so the chances of someone working near prisoners
of war in a government run facility being Christian are pretty damn small.

The worrying thing here is that the story bears more than a passing resemblance
To a story told by Alexander Solzaneitizen when he was in the gulag – which does
make more sense – the Russian Orthodox church was despite government interference
and harassment viable out in the boondocks of Siberia and indeed though most of Russia.

Anyway what’s been happening as people have noticed that this story is a) fairly new in the McCain stump speeches and b) kinda full of holes McCains people’s response has been to attack the messenger – which means mostly what he’s said is true, cause if they could really prove it happened they wouldn’t be attacking the messengers would they.

Tired and discouraged tonight – just a long day and we’re only Tuesday in what looks to be a long week. Nothing I can really put my finger on just things are wrong.

But tomorrow I’ll be off to see Laura sing after being fed – that should make things work out better.

In addition, I have the Crawling eye to write about – no it is not my internal dialogue – it is where Forest Tucker saves the world.

Yeah it’s pretty dumb. It doesn’t try to be but it is.

Later when I’m less grumpy.

Peace Love would I lie to you?


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