Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why So Serious?

Did an open mike the other night – we’re not going to do open mikes for a while.

It was a place we had been before but per the Enemy Below the scene there has become a lot more serious – which doesn’t really suit our material – yeah get got laugher there was applause but afterwards it ended quickly as if people were embarrassed to be applauding this stuff as people pretty much dried up as we got off the stage – we were, well tolerated but not rewarded as much as other more ‘serious’ performers were.

It could be it was just not our audience one woman whose boyfriend I had been talking to before we preformed said “you sounded so normal when you were talking about batman”

Which is a bit weird anyway as talking about Batman at great length isn’t quite regarded as normal anyway.

Anyway the place was well and truly over run with Der Folk and well we don’t fit – especially I don’t fit well – I’m not much into heartbreak songs or songs on how badly the world is treating someone or well much on fucking whining which seems to be what passes for serious these days.

Meantime there is much tooing and frowing in film critic world over The Dark Night – as in is it a serious film.

It’s a pretty pointless argument I think but motivated in part by a distain for comic book movies – ‘underwear perverts’ as one person called superhero comic books. The Dark Knight is a very good film – honestly I’ll willing to let time decide if it’s a classic or not – still Heath’s performance as the Joker should get an Oscar nomination at the very least – he’s right up there with Hopkins as Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs.

Anyway one of the problems with serious comic book films is that until fairly recently Hollywood wouldn’t take them seriously hell even in 1997 – after works like Watchman, The Killing Joke, the Dark Knight Returns and the like had totally reinvented what a superhero book was and destroyed limits on what it could do – The director of Batman and Robin was acting like Adam West was still playing Batman and putting nipples on the bat suit.


Still I’m never quite sure how good ‘serious’ is for a movie to be – even now, when I hear the word ‘serious’ movie I keep flashing to some darkly lit film from Sweden where they wear 19th century costumes and speak in low tones with subtitles spelling out the dialogue.

“I never loved him as much as I loved cheese”
“Even after the moose bit him.”
“Even then. That was not so much love as it was pity. Love I felt for cheese not him.”

And so on.

Otherwise working up to the gig at the knitting factory on Friday – having doubts as to whether anybody is going to show up or am I just going to put stickers on myself for nothing. It’s my usual pre gig nerves – I don’t like feeling this way but on the other goat foot I know it’s just what I’m feeling and it’s not the facts of the case.

So it goes.

Seems the latest idea to come out of the beltway is that because Obama is popular that means he is arrogant (they are inches away from calling him an Uppity N-r but they can’t do that just yet – we’ll wait and see how much longer that is). I don’t know what is stranger one – that people like Obama means his arrogant is an idea that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around or that the Beltway folks are picking this up ‘because it’s what’s being talked about.” (By the beltway folks).

I think part of it is that they are Jealous of Obama simply because they are all shallow egotists who exist only to get camera time – the other is that they are just bone lazy and repeat what ever people say to them. The whole wretched structure of inside the beltway society reminds me more and more of the court of the Czars before the revolution – useless princelings running about, odd religious manias, a brutal and yet utterly trivial culture obsessed with dinner parties, fucking, drink, religious nutballs and protecting their own privileges at all costs It ended very badly for them – I hope it doesn’t end badly for the beltway folks – partially out of concern for fellow human beings but mostly because a lot of innocents got ground up when the Czar crashed and I don’t want to see that happen.

Well things to do and worries to have.

Come to the gig.


Peace, Love, Cheese.


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