Tuesday, September 02, 2008

It's a Train Wreck No! It's a Clown Car. And what next?

Okay – you start to wonder what next?

First there was this whole State Trooper deal – then the matter of her daughter being pregnant – her 17 year old unmarried daughter – which kind of stinks for her since she is a prominent abstinence only proponent - then she claimed that she was against the infamous Ted Stevens Bridge to nowhere, a statement that has turned out to be, well, a lie.

And now it turns out she was the head of 527 committee that supported Senator Ted Stevens as the investigations mounted – again not just a member the head of the damn thing. (as I understand it a 527 committee is allowed to raise as much money as it can in any way it can short of sending teams of thugs into the street to rob passers-by and even that may be okay in some states) – which does a bit cast doubt upon her maverick status. You really can’t suck up to the state’s Boss Tweed and then claim you always hated him. You remind folks too much of Harvey Korman in High Anxiety right after Nurse Ratchet is killed “I never liked her – she never bathed”.

Now it seems that the young man who is the father is going to marry the daughter. On his my space page (which I understand has been scrubbed) he described himself as a “fucking redneck” – no word on his favorite band (I’m guessing it’s not Devo) and as a special irony the my space page said he didn’t want kids.

So with the prospect of a shotgun wedding in Alaska sometime during the race being rather high - we thought we were done.

We weren’t - the freaking woman is a clown car of bizarre and wrong and it looks like we’re just getting started.

It has been confirmed that she was a member of an Alaska Separatist party – let me say that again – an Alaska separatist party. The Alaska Independence Party - the AIP says that wants a referendum on Alaska leaving the Union on a ballot – it seems more like a place where deranged right wing yahoos gather to indulge in a little group hate and revenge fantasies against the Zion .

Now of course the McCain people are saying (and really what the hell else could they say) that she never attended the party’s 1994 convention despite the current president of the AIP Alaska Independence party saying yes they did (and why would he lie? Still I’d like to see some paper on this).

And now – mere days after her name was tossed into the ring – stories are coming out the damn wood work – for example her high school class president has said she never head the offices she said she held in high school.

And, it just does not stop, one of her first acts in becoming Mayor of the little town she was mayor of (I don’t know the name it’s important and the innocent townspeople shouldn’t be made to suffer more than they had) was to force out a pair of city council members and the chief of the towns police. Later she tried to fire the town’s librarian because she wouldn’t remove books from the library that Sarah and some of her more right wing allies found objectionable (no word on what the books were – being mean I’m kind of hoping it was the Harry Potter books and the Golden Compass.

And now of course the whispers have started about dropping her. One of the weirdest spins on all this has been some folks insisting the hand of Karl Rove is behind this – this insist that this is some kind of long term play by Rove to spin the election McCain’s way – why everybody thinks Rove is a genius is a bit beyond me – he took a president with a 90% approval rating, a party that had control of both the House and Senate and in the course of his time in Washington Lost all that to the point were part of McCain’s strategy is to run against Bush’s record. Genius I don’t think so.

Now the latest to come out is that one of her first acts as gov of Alaska was to use her line item veto power (this is okay in states) to slash funds by 20% for a programs that among other things provides pregnant unwed teenagers with a place to live and help with getting back into the world.

As I’m sitting here at about 8 pm – the most recent story out of Alaska is that the State in 2007 shut down a car wash that the Palins were part owners of for non-compliance with the regulations and non-payment of fees.

A car wash – they fucked up the paperwork on a car wash?

I swear to god by the morning they will find out that she was selling information about the Alaskan National Guard to the Russians,

Peace Love Clown Cars


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