Monday, August 11, 2008

Humor, Fences, Hawaii and what not.

Many many years ago my dad was doing work on a publicity film for something involving atomic power – it was the 50’s and they were tying to use atomic power for everything including airplanes – you could look it up. They did try to build an atomic aircraft engine.

It didn’t work mostly because it had to be the size of a railroad flat car but anyway – as they were working on it they needed someone to write and shoot an internal documentary for the air force or someone on the damned thing. My dad was picked and as a result, he had to fill out about 1,000 pages of forms from the Atomic Energy Commission and submit to a back round check and the whole 99 yards. It was the height of the cold war and everybody was just a little paranoid about spies.

Well my dad was getting just pissed off having to fill out these forms to do a project that was – if it was any good – would mean he’d be doing all of them. So finally, at the end of the form he saw one last question

“Do you have any nicknames?”

He wrote in “Old Blabber mouth”

The next day his boss called him in and told him to change the answer saying, “There’s nothing funny about humor”

It’s a Zen like phrase that has stuck with me ever since dad told me the story.

I was thinking of it today when I read that it seems that the fence being built to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border is actually being made using illegals to build the fence. The right-wingers see nothing funny about that at all.

I think it’s hysterical.

And would lead me to thing that the fence isn’t going to shall we say as sturdy as some would like.

Other notes:

Well if anyone wondered – yes the Mets miss Billy Wagner.

Cokie Roberts needs to have a new brain put in, the one that she has now doesn’t work well. I’m not sure when Hawaii succeeded from the United States but in Cokie’s World it must have happened a few years ago as now Hawaii is now foreign and exotic.

Pearl Harbor – remember? That was in Hawaii.

Jesus what a bumper crop of stupid we have here.

Meantime the president is getting some heat because he’s in china while Russia is invading Georgia (the country not the state) pretty much doing jack shit – clowning around with Athletes who have been told they have to be polite to him, talking about himself – like anybody cares and looking bored when it isn’t about him.

Well if it was anybody else I’d be upset – but considering it is W and the track record when he does take action is so poor it’s best he stays in china – maybe until January?

I haven’t seen much of the Olympics and now every time I turn it on we get the replay of the US beating France so I don’t think I’ll see much of them as we go forward.

Peace Love Humor is not funny


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