Friday, August 08, 2008

Short Post, Batman and Brett

Sorry the Blogging has been light recently but it doesn’t look like that is going to change for a while – new duties and well just a sense in the air that noses must be to the grindstone – and after all they are paying me – will make these posts fewer for a while.

It’s interesting that the right wing is touting the batman is Bush line about this
film – their talking point is from the last part of the film where batman essentially
taps into every phone in Gotham to try and track down the Joker. This they argue
is the same with W and the wiretaps. However, I see several problems here.

1) For better or worse, Batman is after one person – The Joker. W’s wiretap powers
are to fight ‘terrorism’ which is, for the 1,000th time – a method not an ideology
– the Irish used the same methods back in the 19th century. W’s foe is a foggy nebulous
thing - not even Osama Bin Ladden just ‘terrorism". I also notice that the phrase Islamo Fascism has been dropped from the list of things we’re fighting. Which is good since it never existed in the first place.

2) Batman hands control of the device to someone else because he agrees that this
is way too much power – Bush has shown no sign that he understands what the words
‘too much power’ actually means and insists upon being in total control of the wiretapping with no outside oversight at all.

3) it is a fucking movie. I worry about these people from 24 hrs’ to Batman they
continue to use fantasy to justify their violence/spying hard ons. It’s scary.

In other news Bret Farve is now a Jet – Bret I wish you lots of luck – because the
sound you’re going to hear a lot when you snap the ball is “LOOK OUT!!!!” just before
you get smashed into the artificial term of Giant’s stadium. It’s gonna be ugly Bret
and I’m sorry for that.


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