Monday, August 04, 2008

Thanks,a Touch of Fall and some depressing nonsense

Well thank you all for coming.

It was a great show – and it was great to be with all of you. It was funny – maybe it was just a new venue or something in the karma of the day but I didn’t feel comfortable on stage that night – but we did a great show by all accounts – maybe I should just pay less attention to that part of me and just do things yes?

And again for all of those who came – thank you so much – hope you enjoyed it. We sure as hell did – I even got to play a little electric guitar and pretend to be a real rock star for a minute or two. Thanks to George who told me stop whining and buy the damn Tele already.

Honestly I don’t think on some level it’s right for me to have this much fun. All I want now is a light show – more songs about UFO’s Monster movies, Bigfoot, food, sex and people with issues and the occasional neck snapping cover.

But that’s just gravy.

Touch of fall in the air this am – not much but just enough to remind one that summer is not forever and that the cycle continues to turn.

I notice that following the election is something that can only depress someone who has the slightest faith in Humanity – after running the ad comparing Barrack to Paris Hilton and Ms. Spears – (which pissed the Hiltons’ off a bit since they have given big bucks to the McCain Campaign) – they have launched an ad that gives the impression to those who want to be given that impression – that Barrack Obama is not only a hidden Muslim terrorist but that he actually is the Anti-Christ hisselff.

It’s stuff like this that makes other countries treat us like we are a large angry drunk Orangutan with a chain saw. They are just waiting until either the gas runs out or we manage to cut our own legs off.

Speaking of that – it looks like the second wave of homeowner defaults is starting up – these are people who had jobs and the like but couldn’t put a down payment down – (unlike the subpirme market who had enough fingers to hold a pen). There are lot more of these than the subprime so we’re in for a treat.

Meantime the GOP under their rubric of “let’s not do anything sane here” are distributing tire gages with the word’s Obama’s energy plan on them. It’s intended to ridicule Obama who when talking about off shore oil drilling – mentioned that in essence the small amount of oil that would be added to the total pool would be equaled if people just kept their cars tuned and their tires properly inflated.

It’s the Purple Heart Band-Aids all over again with the idea of making Obama look ridiculous – which is about all they have. It’s going to a long few months.

But god in heaven what the hell is their bug about drilling? If it isn’t Alaska it’s off shore and hell the oil companies are only drilling about 40% of the offshore sites they have already – I suspect that opening up the off shore oil area will also be linked with more federal money for the oil companies. Like Exxon-Mobil which made a profit of 11.7 billon dollars - profit mind you – this last Quarter.

I’m just so tired of these people spouting this nonsense on the air and having the silly talking heads nod at them like they are not spouting utter gibberish. It’s depressing and arouses in me a very cold anger that is not a good sign.

Meantime the whole Anthrax thing is causing some puzzlement – except among the reporters of the Main Stream Press who are fussing with tire gages – which I can understand they were fed a line of horse shit by the White house back then and it’s embarrassing to be show up as credulous saps with horse dung dripping from their lips when they portray themselves as cynical savvy insiders. I wouldn’t be too willing to do that either.

There seem to be some problems with the case now – like the doctor didn’t actually have access to any anthrax which makes it hard to send letters with the stuff in it. Also there are all those embarrassingly public announcements linking Iraq to the anthrax by such folk as John McCain and Joe Lieberman – where did they get that Idea? Who told them that?

It’s all very puzzling – and very murky – with little or no interest among anybody to clear it up.

Well enough for now

Peace Love Tire Gages


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