Friday, July 11, 2008

Million Ton chickens and what not

The thud of million ton chickens is heard throughout the land.

The suckers are coming home to roost and they are not to dainty about where they sit – the sound of their footsteps are driving men mad and panicked the well connected are heading for the life boats (carefully making sure that the steerage compartment doors are firmly locked – can’t have the riff raff heading for the boats too you know).

The latest chicken to rear its head is the dire state of Freddie and Fannie Mac – two semi-government agencies (government charter – private funds kind of deal – I don’t entirely understand the whole deal – but I suspect it had something to do with making well connected folks rich - these things usually do) that bundle mortgage loans that are then sold down stream to apparently everyone on the planet. The news that these two are having problems money wise, combined with the happy news that right after Iran launched their rockets Israel did some jet training in Iraq has hit the market like a dung bomb.

For some reason I just remembered that Giuliani had included a humidor for his cigars in the bunker he’d built for himself at 7 World Trade. It’s a indication of just what a huge difference there is between life for us and these grand high mucky mucks.

Anyway we are told that neither firm is really in serious trouble – which I would feel more secure in if these same people weren’t the ones telling us the housing market wasn’t a bubble and there was no sub-prime crisis but well that’s what they say now.

You look at the pundits economic and political who keep coming on the TV and you realize the truth in J.K. Galbraith’s observation that in America it is better to be wrong in the accepted way than to be right. Really anybody who said that Invading Iraq was one of the stupidest things we could do was never asked back on the air, as was anybody who suggested that the sub-prime crisis was a) real and b) going to eat the stock market Indexes like zombies hungry for brains – the ugly truth is not to be said. It could frighten the paroles.

Meantime – Phil Graham’s “shut up you whiners go eat some damn Twinkies” comments about well, the middle class, aren’t going over very well. I remember his run for president some years back – before Rudy it was the worst run mess I’d ever seen – it combined ineptness with Graham’s obvious hatred of the great unwashed to ruinous effect.

Anyway John McCain when to deliver a speech to some Detroit autoworkers in Michigan who per the news reports sat there stone faced and barely applauded. Part of this was backlash from Phil’s little comment; the other from McCain’s talking about the need for free markets. And while the value of free markets is an article of faith among the village and their spokesmen – auto workers have a well slightly less positive view of ‘free trade’ and view anyone pushing it with the loathing a PETRA meeting would feel towards a mink coat wearing Ted Nugent talking to them about how much he likes to strangle baby deer while eating kittens.

One other better note saw Witches in Bikinis last night – they have new witches now – same great show just new witches which does add a higher energy to the show. It’s why I like to pop new things into the gigs – keeps your interest up – we ever tour that maybe a problem but I think I’ll deal if we ever tour.

Still waiting for the Luca Libre film – not for the first time Netflix has only one copy of something I ordered. This time it’s coming form Montana somewhere – I’m not sure why the only copy of this Mexican made film is in Montana but never mind.
Shikira - Beause it's friday.

Have a good weekend.

Peace love Witches in Bikinis.


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