Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Guitar - Press love and Chimps

Things have been busy so no real time. But.

Bit the bullet and bought the tele – we’ll see how it works on Wednesday – I’m actually going (we hope) do a little back round solo work on a song by Lura Alt who is going to sing with us – and I’ve even gotten my old music books out to try and figure out just what heck I should be playing (songs a bit more complicated than say a blues in A) well it keeps my mind fresh and my fingers in pain.

Meantime Obama’s trip is starting to take on the aspects of a rock concert tour – which I suppose should be expected – he’s very personable and well spoken and actually likes people – unlike our current sullen frat boy in chief or The “Hey you kids get off the lawn” GOP candidate – of course the press who after all fawned on the other two would dote on him as well.

I find it rather remarkable that McCain and his people is now complaining about the press coverage Obama is getting – considering the absolute idol worship McCain has gotten from the beltway village for the last 10 years. Hell the day both he and Obama spoke at the AP annual meeting they brought him a box of doughnuts and coffee. Obama didn’t get any gifts.

While I do enjoy the sauce for the gander moment this does illustrate the problem with the press these days – it’s not their damn job to run about getting crushes on people or acting like the mean girls club in high school. But that’s what they do these days.

Meantime I see there was an embarrassing he-said she said even with the President of Iraq who said something to the effect that “we want the Americans to leave and pretty soon too.” Which fits more with Obama’s view than John McCain’s’ Iraq! I want to stay forever! Song and dance.

The reaction was swift – CENTCOM claimed that the statement had been mistranslated – why CENTCOM (the US Military command) was issuing statements explaining what the Iraqi's had REALLY meant wasn’t explained.

And now after the German magazine has released the tape that proved he wasn’t mistranslated – the response has been something along the lines of ‘you’re wrong and you’re stupid” but they don’t seem to have their heart in it – other than the ones who whish the Iraqi president ill.

Well at least they aren’t suggesting we invade and overthrow the government again.

There has been some depressing ratcheting up of the angry talk about Iran but fortunately no body’s been stupid yet.

Batman has shattered a whole bunch of records aided by higher ticket prices and theaters staying open some 24 hours in a row.

Meantime I saw that Space Chimps opened the same weekend and well isn’t quite doing so well. The reason I care is that the Fox Movie Channel – between it’s relentless showing of Aliens and Independence Day over and over again has been showing the ‘behind the scenes” views of the making of Space Chimps about 15 times an hour. I figured the damn thing was going to be a bomb because everybody was talking about how funny and talented everybody was without any of the clips actually being funny. It was like the “making of Catwoman” where Sharon Stone talked about how good the film was (some of her best acting was there).

They’ve also been hyping Meet Dave to death – in a show where young people interview the director of the film – frankly they would have better of interviewing Ed Wood but no matter – the funniest moment is where the director just goes on on about Eddie Murphy’s ability to act to a pole.

Well that’s all for me today.

Peace Love Melodic Minor Scale.


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