Monday, July 28, 2008

Back at Work and Batman

Back from 4 days off – pile of papers on my desk and well just a sense of Malaise hanging about the place to borrow a phrase from Jimmy Carter.

I have to wonder if the assembled press is going to go into the same kind of mush headed idol worship that made Reagan’s funeral just unbearable to watch when Carter goes. I doubt it – Carter didn’t have that kind of relationship with the press. At some other time I’ll ponder that at more length.

Big gig on Friday – nervous and anxious and all that – nobody’s coming blah blah blah – I hate my damn head sometimes and this is one of those times. Just a general sense of dread without any specific thing or incident to link it to is sitting on my chest.

Out in the world – someone decided to take a shot gun to a Unitarian church down in Tennessee and open fire – 2 people are dead so far – 7 others were shot – story coming out in dribs and drabs was that the shooter was 58 unemployed about to get his food stamps cut – and in a letter they found in the man’s car blamed his problems upon liberals – we’ll learn more as days go by – but this is disturbing. Too many angry people and too many angry voices – bad things happen.

Obama has returned from Europe where he was greeted like a rock star much to the upsetment of the right wing – which has been very quick to toss the Hitler thing around – and trying to suggest that drawing large crowds was somehow un-American. They didn’t think this back when W was riding high but now that the only way W could gather a large crowd these days was if they got to throw tomatoes and eggs at him well being popular is somehow “wrong”.

I just think Europe’s reaction both from the man in the street and the leaders was “oh thank god a grownup” Obama is personable cool and very smart – which is a stark contrast to W’s frat boy boorishness or McCain’s “hey you kids get off the lawn” old man grumpiness.

Mets have surprised me and managed to end up in first place. How long they will stay there is well unknown but lord is you asked me a month ago if I thought the Mets would be even within three games of first I’d have laughed a bitter angry laugh. In retrospect it seems letting Willie go was a good idea. Why I don’t know.

Last comment today – it’s busy – go see the Dark Knight – Heath Ledger as the Joker is simply amazing and the rest of the cast isn’t that far behind him. It was quite the experience – there were complex shades of gray and ambiguities that you didn’t expect in a film about a man who dresses as a flying rat to fight crime. The effect on me was as if I had gone to see a standard western and ended up seeing High Noon.

Anyway see the damn film.

Peace love Dark Knight


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