Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blogging, The Economy and Beer!

Kind of busy right now but I have to do this – can blogging be described as an addiction? Or simply a kind of bad habit that makes you crazy if you haven’t posted anything in a few days.

Anyway – the president came on the air and said that the economy was actually quite strong and that things would get better once offshore drilling started.

The market panicked – it’s recovering a bit now but the effect of our leader’s golden words was to confirm in a lot of people’s minds that things are outta control.

I keep saying this and I’ll say it again – if things are going well you don’t have to point it out. The mere fact that you’re standing there saying the economy or that we’re winning in Iraq is a sure sign we’re not.

The last all star game will be played at Yankee Stadium tonight – and I’m probably not going to watch it. My interest in the all star game is minimal to begin with and I’m going to be trying to learn a song for rehearsal tomorrow – and really even since the nitwit used car salesman commissar of baseball made the home field advantage for the World Series dependent upon it I really lost interest.

Not even hockey has something that stupid.

And well, not being a Yankee fan – the absolute tidal wave of nostalgia for the stadium is going to be just too damn much to deal with. New Yorkers are by nature narcissistic – this is just encouraging them. I’ll be glad when it’s over.

Still I wonder if there is a list of the 10 best boxing matches at Yankee Stadium – Joe Louis and Mac Schmelling 2 is up there. I think Rocky Maciano fought a time or two – but actually by the 60’s the bigger fights were going in doors since people could watch on TV.

Sorry wondered off there.

Meantime – it looks like Obama’s cave in on FISA has hurt him in the polls. Well anybody with the brains of rabbit would have figured that out. Hell even being cynical and figuring it would pass anyway opposing it would only help. Obama message is about a change in way things are done but Jesus if he acts like the rest of them he cut’s that message off at the knees.

Oh I’ll vote for him – McCain is striking me as asleep at the wheel most of the time. We don’t need another president like that. But this was an inside the beltway logic decision and if he keeps on doing that it’s going to hurt.

Meantime – meantime the Fed has announced that they will help bail out Fannie and Freddie – without actually changing anything about them. You now I think it’s only fair if taxpayer dollars are going towards saving the ass of these companies we, the taxpayers should be getting something in return -

I also see that the Budweiser has agreed to be bought by a Belgian-Brazilian conglomerate for 51 or so billion dollars – which seemed to have shut up most of the objections to the sale.

I can’t quite get my head around the idea of Belgian -Brazilian conglomerate – I mean what the hell do the office parties look like? But this is, of course another consequence of W turning everything he touches into shit. The euro is at about $1.60 dollars right now – with that kind of leverage expect more cash rich overseas conglomerates (perhaps no Belgian- Brazilian but who knows an Argentinean Swedish group might be out there waiting to buy Coors)

Well that’s enough for now.
Brazilian soccer fan - see it's not all bad.

Peace love Beer!


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