Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well that was ugly.

The Mets managed to blow a 5-2 lead in the top of the freaking 9th – there are a lot of people to blame – starting with the manager who didn’t even think to leave the starter in - or maybe it was the starter – the ugliness of the loss makes things a little tough to follow as everybody on the planet is ducking responsibility – still Sanchez? As the closer? WTF?

Anyway best, as a fan, to throw this under a bus and move on. Still it’s an ugly ugly loss ranking up with the ugliest I’ve seen or didn’t see – the instant I saw Sanchez warming up I turned the set off as I was getting that same grim feeling I got whenever they announced that Doug Sisk was warming up in the bullpen or

Ah well – there’s always tomorrow.

Time magazine for some unearthly reason sent someone to cover one of the really creepy ‘purity balls’ that seem to be such a hit with a certain group of guys who have too much time on their hands and worry way way to much to be healthy about their 12 year old daughters sex lives.

Everybody dresses like it’s a prom of some sort – the Dads have wooden swords and the daughters hold white roses and they pledge to preserve their purity until their father gives them away in marriage. After that they slaughter a goat and burn the best parts for the gods.

Well they don’t do the last bit but lord this – crosses and other Christian draping aside – feels like a deeply pagan ritual with little place in the 21st century. I’m not sure why Time magazine decided to cover it other than Time seems to losing its collective mind and blaming everything that has gone wrong on them uppity women who don’t do what they are told and even enjoy sex from time to time instead of lying there still and guilt ridden like they should.

While normally I would say that Freud would have a field day with these lunatics like this but I’m pretty sure in this case Sigmund would just wash his hands of the whole thing saying “I’m sorry there is only so much I can do.”

Wish I could go on longer but need to wrap this up – I’m taking the next couple days off so all the ducks have to be in a row before I go – I didn’t know I ran the company but it does seem that way.

Rehearsal tonight and then lord it’s only a week and ½ to the Knitting factory – where does the time go.

Peace Love Ouch.


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