Thursday, July 10, 2008

Whiners, Steriods and Klaatu

For some reason today – and part of yesterday things are just getting my goat. It seems to be a side effect of getting enough sleep – all of a sudden I’m awake alert and Jesus is the world over run by lunatics

First we have Phil Graham who some folks point to as one of the architects of the current credit crisis saying that American’s are suffering from a “mental recession’ – you know nothing is better than a plum pink guy in an expensive suit who never has had to worry about how he going to pay the bills that mouth tell me things are all in my head.

Thanks for calling us whiners as well Phil. Perhaps not quite as elegant as let them eat cake but the thought’s the same.

Last night I caught about 10 minutes of ESPN’s Pardon the Interruption – they didn’t have the regular folks on – they did have David Shaughessy – who I guess has to do something now that the Red Sox have won the World Series – Twice – and sales of his Curse of the Bambino have slacked some what.

As a side note – there never really was a curse – there was always too much reliance on slew footed right handed pull hitters and not enough pitching – ever – until 2004. In 67, 75, and 86 the teams had one good pitcher and a bunch of guys – and no real closer – although that role didn’t really exist before the 80’s.

Well anyway – what I got to witness was a debate between the other sports caster and David on Barry Bonds (which as the All Star Break comes up has lurched back into sight) and would anybody sign him. The other writer was aghast at the possibility – Barry is under indictment, he’s the steroid poster child and no clubhouse wants to deal with these kinds of moral issues. David scoffed at the morality of it pointing out that baseball teams that worry about morals are losing ones.

Well I’m not going to get into the whole morality is for losers gibberish, it’s a pretty stupid thing to say but journalists do little but say stupid things – and hell the whole did he or did he not use steroids – is kinda moot right now. The trial will settle that and other issues.

The deal is – even aside from the whole chemical issues Barry brings to the table – the brutal fact is that Barry isn’t a much of a winner – in a 19 year career he went to the World Series Once. It doesn’t argue much for his positive contribution to club – And the Giants let him go like a bad habit once the contract was up.

There was an old joke that the Red Sox Team bus was 26 cabs – when Barry was with the Giants the joke was that their team bus was a limo for Barry and a bus. A contending team doesn’t need all this for what 10-15 home runs from a 45 year old not on roids?


Meantime – I also see that The Day the Earth Stood Still has been remade – I’m not sure that was such a good idea to begin with but – the producers of this remake – in their wisdom have ensured that this film will suck rockets.

If you haven’t seen the original – it’s worth looking at – if for no other reason the opening sequence – where a flying saucer comes into land on the Mall in the middle of Washington DC. There is, as one would guess much panic and frantic action by the military as the surround the saucer – which after some hours – opens to reveal Klaatu the pilot of the ship – in a moment of panic he gets shot by a nervous solider – and moments later we see Gort – the Robot guardian who starts raising holy hell before Klaatu stops .

Klaatu has a message for the entire planet and the rest of the film is about his efforts to deliver that message.

There are some clunky bits of course, the special effects aren’t very good by today’s standard but the film is intelligent and well done.

Which we not going to get here.

Let me show why – I can only assume that the new movie will pretty much open as the first one – Saucer landing yada yada yada – I saw the trailer and the landing takes place in Central Park but well who cares – the military surrounds the saucer – the saucer opens – the pilot comes out and in a moment of high drama takes off his helmet – and speaks

“Whoa dude”

Why would he say that? Because Klaatu will be played by Keanu Reeves

I don’t know why would they pick Keanu Reeves for the part but I’m going with they are stupid.

I mean come on – what made Keanu okay for the Matrix was that his normal expression says “I don’t know what the hell is going on” which worked perfectly in the Matrix (not so well the other films and it’s not going to work well here where he is supposed to be the representative from a vastly superior alien civilization – per the earlier movie he’s humanoid because they didn’t want to freak out the earth any more than they needed to.

Using Reeves would suggest the Aliens want to lull us into thinking they are all stoned all the time.

And I’m told they have added an environmental message to the film – which kind of undercuts the original message – in the 51 film – Klaatu tells the earth that his people don’t care what they do on this planet but here’s the money quote from the film

“It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder.”

To add some kind of message about recycling is, well, stupid.

I keep saying that word but it fits.

Well enough for now.

Peace Love, Klaatu, Barada, Nikto


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