Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hot - Sellouts - Facist Panic and Telecaster Lust

Hot steamy day here in the apple – high humidity not a breath of wind and a sky that looked a slate blue (yes we are breathing that stuff - ouch). And being overweight and out of shape I was already pouring sweat by the time I got to the subway station – it’s a four block walk. Lord knows what the station is going to be like this evening – between the humidity and the trains pumping out hot air (it has to go somewhere) it’s times like this you wonder how people functioned with out AC – of course things were slower then and if it was over 90 or 95 they would send you home.

Anyway – congress’s selling out of our 4th amendment rights of protection from unreasonable search and seizure to the telecoms and the man child president they still like for some damn reason has been delayed for one day because they have to drive a stake through the heart of Jesse Helms to make sure he stays dead – no sorry they will be attending the funeral – while the munchkin chorus sings “ding dong the witch is dead” – no damn it – evil thoughts lurk far to close to the surface of my subconscious.

It’s just so odd – after tomorrow the president will be able to wire tap anybody just cause well he feels like it – and the companies that did his bidding (persistent rumors keep putting the wire tap blitz as starting before indeed well before 9-11) will get off scot free – but never fear a) you can still shoot people and b) that guy with a joint in his sock - if this is his third strike – he goes to prison for life.

It reminds me of that nasty comment by some French writer who’s name eludes me and I’m too busy to look up that went something like: “Ah the August Majesty of the law – the rules against stealing bread and sleeping under the Seine bridges apply to all rich and poor alike”

Another unhappy legacy of Ford pardoning Nixon – there is one set of rules for them and one for us.

Meantime it looks like among other things – McCain is a terrible campaigner – again I am struck at how often career politicians are just awful at what you would think was a basic part of the politicians skill set – campaigning – I would think you’d need at least some level of basic competence at that but again and again I am proven wrong – but a fawning press can make up for a lot – as we saw with Reagan, Bush and now Big John.

Meantime meantime I read that Obama is going to give his acceptance speech at a 76,000 seat stadium rather than at the convention itself – which strikes me as a pretty spectacular bit of theater – hell I don’t think W could get 76,000 people into a stadium to throw tomatoes at him. The poor schmuck said a few days ago that he thought his popularity was going up because fewer people were protesting his appearances. Of course what it means is that he isn’t worth the damn effort any more – let him try and stay in office and we’ll see just how many folks hit the streets.

Now the right wing folks are trying to somehow equate popular with fascist as they start mumbling about Nuremburg rallies and the like. Gee what about all those times W a) dressed up and b) talked in front of military units that didn’t set off the fascist alarm bells? No of course not he is good Obama is evil – or black I forget which.

Mets won three out of four against the Philles despite really really trying to lose every damn game. Last night showed the difference between the teams – The Phillies go down by 10 runs and they keep scrapping figuring a) what the hey and b) these are the Mets after all. The Mets go down by ten runs they start to think about the after game buffet.

Mean but it’s how it feels here in the upper deck.

Been kicking around getting a telecaster for the band – not really sure it’s a good idea I tend to just bang away on the guitar (I’m painfully aware of my limitations on the instrument) and that might not work too well on the Tele – still it might broaden the band sound a bit – or maybe I just want to buy a tele.

Got to run

Peace Love Teles.


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