Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Eliot Adeiu

With howls of delight coming from the right wing Eliot Spritzer has announced that he will step down as governor of New York effective March 17th – that it’s St. Patrick’s Day is just a weird grace note to a bizarre incident.

The question of why he spent $5,000 for a night with a hooker is a pretty easy one to answer: because he could – even with prostitutes the rules of conspicuous consumption prevail.

Short post because well things are nuts both at work and at World Headquarters – the cd is almost finally master (like tonight I’m told) and then the massive drive to get people to come to the cd release party – I’m not saying we’re going to be using those things that Samuel Jackson used in Jumpers to hook people and drag them inside we’re pretty much open to anything really.

The way it stacks up things should be a lot of fun.

The blogging will continue to be light for the next week or so I’m off to Florida to visit my dad and listen to people by the pool talk about real estate (an ever green Florida topic) and sit in the sun for a bit. I won’t be able to catch a spring training game as the damn things are sold out when I’m there – while it’s nice that the Mets are doing well and look to be the favorite to at least win the East but when they stunk the joint up I could call Port St Lucie the day before the game and get tickets.

That’s one thing that will be bad about citi field with its 10,000 fewer seats – you won’t be able to just go because the spirit moves you or when all of a sudden that game against the bucs tonight becomes important.

As I said short post – I’m moving my office, packing for a trip and doing yoga with happy cheerful people from hell – it’s a pretty full plate.

Peace Love Hookers? No that’s okay General we’d just like to get out business done and leave.


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