Friday, March 07, 2008

Disasters, Stooping Low and High Pay

Still busy so this will be short

Drawn as ever by disaster I’ve been following the stock market’s recent bad times by scanning the stock websites. I’ve noticed a few interesting things.

1) The Market seems to be nothing more than a mob of easily panicked infants with ADD. You have to wonder why in hell say the bad jobs report today surprised them – but it did. Hell that the economy has gone south after the housing market surprised them. And folks were talking about that for months already.

2) What John Kenneth Gabraith called organized reassurance is big part of the web sites. Day by day as the bloodletting has gotten worse but nevertheless each day will have a featured story with a headline like “the return of the Bull market” or “Bulls tip toe back in” and such like. These are grimly funny to read – and remind me of nothing so much as the publicity blather for a hideously bad film “Catwoman is about a woman discovering her own power”

3) Their belfries are full of bats – dear lord in heaven I don’t know what the hell it is about stock markets but some of the folks leaving comments are flat out nut jobs. One was calling all the presidential candidates other than Jon Paul socialists, one complained and kept complaining about paying taxes to support parasites and how the democrats are going to bring socialism. One well you couldn’t really make out his point – he seemed to be blaming the liberal media for something like pulling Bush over to the left but you weren’t sure exactly what he was talking about.

Meantime –

I really hate to say it but I am continually disappointed by Hillary as we keep finding there is no low she won’t stoop to. This doesn’t even seem to be about winning the nomination anymore it’s about making sure Obama doesn’t - damage to the party be damned.

I’m reminded - not in a good way - of 1972 when McGovern – who despite what has been said about him since then was a pretty much run of the mill liberal in 1972 – when the po-bahs of the democratic party (who to man supported the War in Viet Nam) pretty much cut George off at the knees in spite after the nomination and let him twist in the wind (the flap with Eagleton sure as hell didn’t’ help but it was the blue dogs lack of support that really hurt.) And after his loss took over control of the party again (with stunningly awful results in the presidential races)

If Hillary manages to get the nomination it could well be at the cost of winning the election in November and really boys and girls we can’t have 4 more years of McSame.

The press is already gushing about McCain’s manliness.

Meantime several financial company CEO’s sat in front of congress and said well yes the companies we ran lost billions but we worked really really hard for this money. I mean what else were they going to say “we were looting the damn thing like the guys before us did”?

Off to Philly – the rest of the band is mastering the puppy this weekend.


Peace Love Bats


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