Thursday, December 27, 2007

Humbug, Bad News and Amps

Well Christmas is over and I seem to be suffering from zee blahs at the moment combined with end of year stress and a bloated feeling that I ate too damn much in the last few days so I’m sluggish and not feeling well.


The news isn’t helping – the former prime minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto leader of the opposition party has been killed – shot and then blown up.

This given the fragile hold on power the current Pakistan strong man is a big flaming torch tossed into a pit filled with explosives and gasoline. It’s a situation that is going to require hard work, perseverance, intelligence and diplomatic ability.

In other words we’re screwed.

This in some ways is more serious than Iraq because Pakistan does actually have the bomb. More than one – along with missile systems to drop them onto people they don’t like much (these were aimed at India with whom Pakistan has fought at least 3 wars not to mention border incidents and other unpleasantness.

The US Slid into bed with the current leader of Pakistan like many of W’s foreign policy ideas based heavily on wishful thinking, i.e.: he’ll be an island of stability for democracy yadda yadda yadda, he’d keep the pressure on Al Queda in the border country yadda yadda yadda – neither of which he really did – while billions of dollars of our damn money just vanished into the hinterland or more likely flowed into Switzerland.


More madness out there than a man can shake a stick at – Rudy is sinking in the polls and as a result has released a TV that more or less says 9-11! 9-11! Over and over in shrieking hysterical voice.

It’s Rudy’s bang the table moment. Knowing Rudy’s course of actions over the years I suspect he will drop out of the race citing health reasons pretty soon – i.e. before all the money is spent – money I imagine he plans to keep for himself. Rudy loves money more than anything else.

Rehearsal tomorrow and then over the weekend we are buying an guitar amp for the band – lord little I like better than being in a music store – except maybe one of those shops that sell Japanese Anime and Monster movie junk – come to think of it I’m in the need for a new Godzilla figurine.

More tomorrow

Peace Love Fender Twin Reverb


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