Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday, Nice Guys, Cyrano and Brainiac

It’s Monday, it’s cold, it’s windy (the building is creaking like the mast of a sailboat in the wind) I’m tired and it’s just too close to Christmas and I haven’t gotten a damn thing done.

How’s by you?

Anyway part of my blah mood is that this is the 6th anniversary of my mom’s death. It’s funny so much has happened in my life since then, that it almost feels like another person was doing the stuff before. I don’t really recognize me as me looking back to those days.

Anyway looking out at the great big world I see that Joe Lieberman, with his unerring sense of timing – has climbed aboard the sinking ship SS John McCain for President. I’m not quite sure why other than the thrill he gets from seeing his name on the screen of the Fox News Channel. And while the major members of the village will be just beside themselves that these two fine centrists (and only inside the beltway are these guys centrists) linking up. Several of the many empty talking heads out there have suggested a McCain Lieberman sort of Unity ticket as a way of ending the awful angry partisanship of the Left. (Awful Angry partisanship on the right is of course always welcome so some reason I refuse to understand).

Something else I refuse to understand is what the hell Harry Reid is doing. Briefly put – he has put to the floor of the senate a wiretapping “reform” bill that grants folks like Verizon and the other telecom companies retroactive immunity for violations of the current law – before we even know what the hell they did. This is the version of the bill favored by W – so what the hell Harry Reid (the Democratic Majority leader in the Senate) is doing pushing this to the floor – over the objections of Senator Todd (also a Democratic Senator) who had put something called a hold on this bill (it’s all rather complex but it’s parliamentary procedure stuff) which Harry has ignored – (he has honored Holds put on bills by GOP Senators). Dodd is now going to filibuster this. The 35 Democratic Party candidates for president say they support this but they aren’t going to lose time fundraising to do anything to help him (like maybe join the filibuster?).

So I have to wonder what the hell is the deal with Harry Reid – a) tolerating Joe when at the very least Joe should have come the job this morning and found a horse’s head on his desk – and doing the bidding of a mush wit president with an approval rating lower than that of soap scum. I note that congress as a whole has a god awful approval rating as well but I think it could well be argued that it’s because of folks like Harry Reid doing the bidding of a mush wit president with an approval rating lower than that of soap scum.

Random Neural Firings:

In the subway the other day I passed by a woman holding up a copy of the Watchtower – which is the weekly publication of the Jehovah’s witnesses – I don’t really know much about this group other than a lot of them stand in public places holding copies of the watchtower. I presume it’s because god wants them to do this – but I keep wondering why the hell does god hate these folks so sending them out into cold subway stations where they are ignored by thousands while getting an arm cramp from holding up copies of some magazine. Kinda sad, well to me anyway.

Stuff all over the blogs about the up tick in “angry nice guy” blogs about the utter perfidy of women who won’t realize what nice guys these guys are and fuck them.

Well for one, if you’re being a nice guy just to get laid, you’re not a nice guy, you’re a manipulative little shit and lots of folks can see through that. Also nothing ensures getting laid so just relax for god’s sake.

In the interests of full disclosure I have been called a nice guy but I’m not the one of Washington Generals of romance because of the utter perfidy of women – my problem is, alas me. I fall for the ones who aren’t going to catch me and my self esteem problems ensure that I will brush off anyone expressing an interest in me with a “you’re kidding right?” tone of voice. (my apologies for that, it’s not intended to be rude it’s just my first response is incredulity – followed by feeling really really uncomfortable).

All in all it’s a pretty effective mechanism that keeps me laidless.

I’m very fond of Cyrano both the original play and the version Steve Martin did but I’ve always thought that the body part Cyrano had a real problem was not his nose – his real problem was his desire to have Roxxane’s legs in the air. Like the Phantom of the opera – who hides what he sees as his ugly and disgusting true personality behind that mask and then when forced to confront it blames the woman.

Got a copy of Brainic – the utterly bizarre Mexican horror movie (yes I know saying utterly bizarre and Mexican horror movie – is repeating myself but this is really bizarre) which I plan to watch one more time – probably tonight before writing about it – cause it’s so bloody strange – and I want to listen to the commentary track and pick up any trivial tid bits . By the by the commentary track on The Giant Behemoth consists of two guys who have done stop motion special effects work talking about how bloody lame and boring this film was – they are right but it does strike a jarring note. I’m told the director of Batman and Robin apologizes on the track of that DVD which doesn’t do much good – like who’s going to watch that disaster again?

And file this under to know him is to loathe him – Rudy’s campaign for dictator sorry president is starting to throw gears – he’s already pulled out of Iowa and one other state and is now cutting back on New Hampshire to concentrate on Florida – where he’s currently in 3rd place. No it doesn’t make any sense to me either.

Peace Love Roxanne


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