Wednesday, December 05, 2007

DEATH RACE 2000 and odds and ends.

Sometimes when my brother and I are in car one of us will see a guy jogging or someone with a walker or some such thing just going along and both of us will say

“Look at those points!”

The reference is to the utterly classic and bizarre B-movie Death Race 2000 – shot in 1974 in about 11 days it is story of the transcontinental road race where in addition to trying to get to LA first, you get points for running people over. Older people score more than younger people; women score more than men, and such like.

It’s truly truly sick in a wonderfully twisted way.

It’s the year 2000 in our old future – the United States is part of a larger group run by Mr. President who has been the leader since 1979 – and there is a need to show off just how tough Americans so that other nations, especially the French who along with their European allies have wrecked America’s economy and it’s phone system will respect and fear us.

Yes it’s satire but looking at the state of the union in late 2007, it reads more like prophecy at time. Most of us think we are way off the path – meantime there is a group that keeps on urging massive acts of violence against countries mostly because if we don’t it will be a signal to our enemies that we have lost our will and then the brown people will swarm over the borders and take us over.

The racers are an odd combination of the Wacky Racers, NASCAR and Professional wrestling – David Caridine fresh out of Kung Fu plays Frankenstein the hero no less. Sylvester Stallone in one of his earliest roles is the heavy – a Chicago style 30’s gangster.

Just an absurd side note – some years ago Alan Keyes had a show on I think MSNBC called “Alan Keyes is Making Sense”. I remember wondering when I saw the title that someone forgot to put the question mark at the end of that phrase. Seriously Alan Keyes is one of the few people I have ever seen that is so bat shit crazy that I swear I saw his eyes roll in different directions one time.

Anyway the only time I watched the show – it was a multi-car wreck and I had trouble looking away – the topic was on why weren’t there any religion on television. He and his guests nattered on about the sinfulness of Hollywood and how deprived folks were huddled in their living rooms thirsting for the religious themed shows Hollywood won’t make.

Now not one guest said what I would have asked first off “What are we talking about here when we say religion? Cause under some definitions Kung-Fu could be counted as a religious show – hell the main character was a Showlin Monk.”

That didn’t happen.

On this track I remember a show something like touched by an angel where the two main characters were yes angels of the lord. I saw this a couple of times – well one and ½ times anyway – and in both shows one of them would announce that they were and angel of the lord and not once did anyone say “are you f-king nuts?” Or something along the lines of “Yeah and I’m Marie of Romania”

Anyway back to Death Race 2000 – it’s gory but not too cause other wise it’s not funny and it really seems to touch at our current fearfulness and our need as a result to be bellicose. Male Gorillas don’t start thumping their chests unless they feel threatened just to add an utterly unneeded example from the animal kingdom.

Anyway there is lots of very prescient satire on the cult of celebrity – a running gag that all of Frankenstein’s limbs have been replaced over the years – a joke that Hot Shots stole for the Lloyd Bridges character “My skull is steel – shrapnel in Iwo Jima” and if you haven’t seen it do so.

We haven’t heard back yet from the press kits we sent so the next ones may have send a horse’s heads along with them (kidding). But we look to expand outside the New York area soon if not early this year. Philly and Boston, along with New Jersey seem to be the best bets for now – we’ll wait for the world tour a bit – for now that will be enough.

Also want to go back to the studio in January to lay down the last tracks for the CD – now tentatively entitled Songs for Ewe and Me – the things we do for love yes?

Peace Love Points


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