Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Argg - Gorillas with sticks, Photo ops, and what not...



There is something about being woken up by the alarm on a rainy Monday after four days in which your major decision after breakfast was what to have for lunch that is utterly soul destroying.

Not much time – for blogging just yet – however I see that Ms. Rice is going to be moderating a Mideast conference that includes Syria – which is a bit of improvement seeing that in recent times all we’ve talked about is bombing Syria and accusing them of hiding Saddam’s WMD’s (they must be some where so some folks accused Syria of stashing them) and of being Hamas’s money man (which they are to some extent).

Still alas with the utterly clueless and useless Ms. Rice in charge – we’re will be lucky that the entire region is not at war by the end of the day.

I notice that folks are dissing the Pats for not slaughtering the Eagles – well while not a huge fan of the Pats (other than a sneaking admiration of Belecheck for pissing off the NY Sports media so bad and for telling the Jets no way in hell am I going to be head coach of this doomed enterprise – you should have seen the columns about that) I have to say when the hell did the NFL start issuing style points?


Sorry meant to post something yesterday but the day totally spun out of control – we are coming to the end of the year and that means not lights families and presents but the end of the year crunch as the sales staff here either tries to meet quotas or earn whatever reward they have this year for a sales level of 100 Plus X percent of quota.

Sales is not something I could ever do as an everyday thing – well selling the band yes but not the day to day task of selling what we make – some software thing – exactly is not important – used by some businesses. I don’t have the thick skin, the stubbornness and the weird reading people skills that you need. People who do well at this are just different personality types.

Still at this time of year they are in one of two modes – one – soaked in fear sweat desperate to get something on the board or soaked in greed sweat desperate to get something on the board – either way it is hard to deal with.

Also a friend is in the hospital – which isn’t good, it’s going to be okay but it’s still someone in a hospital which are not the greatest places in the world. Even if you are sick.

Meantime – not only are monkeys killing us – this story is floating around the web –

“Wild gorillas have been seen using "weapons" for the first time, giving a new insight into how early man learned to use sticks and stones for fighting and hunting millions of years ago. Researchers observed gorillas in the Cross River area of Cameroon throwing sticks, clumps of earth and stones at human "invaders". It is the first time that the largest of the great apes has been seen to use tools in an aggressive way.” - UK Telegraph –
Isn’t this how the Planet of the Apes started? Unless the Robots are controlling them.
Meantime Meantime – Yesterday W had Al Gore over to the White House as part of a Photo op for Noble Prize winners – which has to burn W. they had a private conference for about a ½ hour. Al said is was corgil but I have my doubts – monkey face would find it hard to be civil.
W: Loser! Loser! Loser! Look at my carpet! Mine! I President! you loser! Loser!
Aide: Please stop dancing on the desk sir you’re going to scratch it.
Al: That’s a pretty ugly carpet.
W: I chose carpet! I President. I make boom- boom.
AL: I see he’s gotten worse .
Aide: You’d better go sir – he’s going to flash his butt in a moment and I’d rather you not see that.
AL: Let me guess, Boxer shorts with the presidential seal on them
Aide: Of course.
AL: thank you, I’m going now Mr. President.
W: I make the boom boom!
And so on. Horrible fantasies come so very easy to my head – it’s the nature of things I guess.
I see where Citibank has borrowed money from essentially the government of Dubai like a lot of money like billions as in seven of them. Even for Citi that is a lot of money – with an interest rate of 11% (coming to 7.5% I read after taxes – how that works is beyond me I have to say) I mean a lot of money. Lots and lots of money.
I have to wonder about the 11% as well – is this a introductory rate and what happens if citi is late paying – do they jack the rate up like they do with people? Still when you owe someone billions they sweat when you are late making payments more than you do. This actually is Donald Trumps secret of success – borrow more money than the banks can afford to lose and when you get in trouble they will restructure the loans and bail you out and you can pretend you actually know what you are doing. I’m not sure Trump has consciously pursued this strategy – Don doesn’t seem all that bright, which I think is his advantage when he does high wire deals – he’s too dim to realize the risks.
Anyway I see that Rudy G, running on the Dalek Platform {Exterminate! Exterminate!) is starting to run down a bit. It’s not soo surprising – he’s always been his own worst enemy between his need to bully and then claim credit for any good thing even vaguely connected to New York with the possible exception of the coming of spring. To date he has not said: “I will make it bloom in February!” But that has to be coming. Nobody has more faith trust and belief in the essentially godlike qualities of Rudy Giuliani than Rudy does and he says it often and loud. Recipe for disaster really.
Mean time Mr. Thompson who has been running one of the dullest and most inept campaigns I have ever seen is bitiching that Fox has been giving Rudy glowing coverage but not him. Gee I’m shocked that Fox is playing favorites. That never happened before.
I have to say the dances going on inside the village are reminding me more and more of the Fench court shortly before 1789 – The system is tossing gears, people are angry and upset, they all think the king is an idiot but they all keep up the show. Until swarms of angry people whit pikes swarm over the fences. It feels like they know it’s coming but they can’t think of anything to do about it. At least nothing that wouldn’t force them to make some changes themselves.
Well got to go
Peace Love Damn Dirty Apes


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