Monday, December 03, 2007

Walkin' the Dog and other thoughts

There’s an old R&B song called Walking the Dog by a guy named Rufus Thomas who billed himself as the world’s oldest teenager when he was in his sixties and did a version of the song wearing a cape and big red boots as the act before Led Zepplin took the stage at the Atlantic Records 50th anniversary party. It was pretty bizarre if memory serves.

But that’s not what I’m writing about.

As part of the fallout from Rudy’s excellent adventure in the Hamptons it seems or is alleged that in addition to providing Rudy with a level of security more commonly given to folks like Castro when he comes to speak at the UN gave police protection to his girlfriend when she was driving to Pennsylvania to see her mother, act as a private driver and apparently walk Judy’s dog.

There is a line crossed here – and I call it at walking the dog. The other stuff did as well but not so much.

Frankly if Rudy wanted to go see his thing on the side god speed – but well walking the dog?

Currently there are several folks going through the bills released by the city of New York - and there is much comment on the staggering $400,000 prepay to American Express mostly cause governments just don’t pay like that – you need a bill under normal circumstances to get a payment and even then you had better be ready to wait a bit. And as some one pointed out – what happened to the bonus points?

As I said folks – interns mostly – are going through the bills like Woodward and Burnstein did with the out slips from the Library of Congress in All The President’s Men (remember when reporters didn’t spend all their waking hours sucking up to the people they were covering? I kind of) and it will partially restore my faith in a just and merciful god if there is a bill from Tiffany’s in there. I do so hope that is the case.

Anyway much to my surprise this actually is having an effect on Rudy’s standing in the primaries – he’s dropping like a stone. I have to say I didn’t expect that. His vows to keep on torturing and killing, his brittle hatred of anybody that is not just like him and dislike of saying anything that is actually true all would seem to ring deep cords in the Dalek, sorry GOP base.

Which could be bad for Rudy, since he does tend to just fold under pressure. (macho posturing notwithstanding)

Mitt Romney the overly calculating robot candidate is re-launching the idea of a JFK like speech about his faith and the US Government and what not. He, I assumes, will be extolling the separation of church and state to an audience that hates that idea.

Good luck Mitt.

Eh – enough.

Random Neural Firings:

I was scrolling through some recipes trying to figure out what to cook for dinner tomorrow – not tonight Monday’s never a good night for that, when I came across this recipe entitled Indian Beef patties with cucumber yogurt sauce.

Let’s look at that again – there is just something to me very odd about using Indian spices and seasonings on beef. I mean it’s not illegal but it is a bit weird to read that.

This season football seems nothing but a mind numbing group of bad dull games played by bad dull teams led by coaches who’s only reason they have the job is that they were god awful at some other team and got canned.

I was flipping about and saw towards the end of the half the eagles were on the Seahawks 1 yard line or something with one time out and about 1:40 or so to play. They ran the ball three times right up the middle and passed once and managed not to get a damn thing out of it. It’s the idiot call on 4th down that got to me – the Seahawks had stuffed the up the middle run twice so the Eagles decided to do it again – with the result it being stuffed again.

“They’ll never expect us to run up the middle again” had to be the thought path that led to that sorry ass play call. And of course the Eagles lost the game.

Got cable modem whatever for my computer this weekend – can now play City of Heroes
At home at 3 am – that I think that’s a good thing worries me.

More paperwork in so that is it for today

Peace Love Rufus Thomas


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