Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Rain, God, The Homeless and The Terror of Mechagodzilla

To File under: You Cannot Petition The Lord With Prayer! – Doors 1973

Proof that if there is a god, she’s not exactly what everybody says she is: (from

“1. Georgia is in severe drought
2. Governor Perdue decides to pray for rain on Tuesday
3. Forecast called for rain Tuesday
4. Prayer service goes ahead as planned
5. Skies completely clear up immediately following prayer service
6. No rain”

You have to wonder what comes next – perhaps the sacrifice of an unblemished goat as they did back in the day. Or schedule a huge outdoor barbeque and music fest – that usually makes it rain buckets.

You also think maybe Governor Perdue (any relation to the chicken guy you wonder) has better things to do with his time than offering up a state sponsored prayer fest – you know like maybe working out an emergency water rationing plan (Atlanta has last time I read about 90 days supply of water left) and looking for a long term fix to the problem (maybe just a few less developments in the area? Or less lawns – which suck water like a dry sponge). But no he’s out there with the ‘protect me oh lord from the fact we’ve been really really dumb’ prayer (now to be fair I’ve said that a few times myself, but I’m not a Governor) or some such.

This kind of thing always reminds me of the story of a man who had a house by the river, which as flooding – a car came up and the neighbor offered him a lift out danger.
“No thanks” he said “God will provide”
Later as the water rose – someone came by with a boat made the same offer.
“No thanks” he said again “God will provide”
Later as the water rose still further – as he was sitting on his roof a helicopter came by and again the man refused saying that god would provide.
He drowned later and when he was ushered into the presence of the god asked him why he hadn’t been rescued.
“I sent you a car, a boat and a helicopter. What else did you want?”

Me and god, well on some days I’m spiritual but not religious as one of the dating websites has it (which have never worked for me but that’s a rant for another time) and on some days I’m more inclined towards Charles Fort, author of the Book of the Damned and the first modern chronologer of para-normal phenomena, bon mot “if there is a universal mind, need it be sane” and sometimes I agree with Hunter Thompson that we move at the whim of the Great Magnet and other times – not so much.

It’s coming on winter and with the cold weather the homeless are starting to move to the subways – we kind of treat the homeless like they are some sort of weird pigeon in New York, we toss bit of food or money at them or if we are in a bad mood we shoo they away and at a last resort we sic the cops on them. And in general we ignore their humanity – maybe because it would hurt too much to see it. On the subway yesterday was a couple homeless obviously sitting, more sleeping in the car I walked onto – they were sitting together and the man had his arm around the woman. I was stuck, here was someone with nothing, at least compared to me, and even in such dire straits he was trying to help comfort someone else. Made me feel like a right selfish bastard worrying as I do about this and that in my life. It makes me wonder about myself, like maybe there is nobody in my life because I won’t give anyone room in it?

More depressing thoughts for some other time.

Meantime my inner geek is utterly pissed at Classic Media – over the last two years they have been issuing (on a pretty random schedule by the by) several of the Classic Toho Godzilla films – in both the original Japanese language edition and the dubbed American Release – and the instant they’ve issued them, I’ve bought them . I’ve been waiting for this a long time – many of the films are just so much better in the original Japanese version it’s not funny – well maybe not better perhaps less utterly stupid would be a better way to put it . There is one film in particular I’ve been waiting for (other than the original Japanese Godzilla) and that is the last film in the original Godzilla series “Terror of MechaGodzilla” one because it is the last series and two because the American version has been butchered to the point that the plot (and yes there is one) is impossible to follow unless you’re read a synopsis of the Japanese version.

Now I head the Classic Media in its utter fucking wisdom has decided to issue Terror Of MechaGodzilla only as par of the boxed set containing all the other films they have released. I don’t get this at all – who the hell is supposed to buy this? Their baseline customers have already bought the other films and most of us aren’t about to shell out fifty bucks to get 5 films we already have just to get the new one. And if it’s aimed at people buying something for Christmas – guys we’re the people someone would buy that box set for – we already have them.

And don’t get me started on Mothra and War of the Gargantuas. For god’s sake Mothra has NEVER been on DVD, ever. What the hell is with these people?

Peace, Love, Mechagodzilla


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