Friday, November 30, 2007

Secret Fire Department, Torches and Mecha-Godzilla

Many many years ago man I read something called the National Lampoon Magazine – for a while it was brilliantly funny – then became hit or miss and then just slowly declined and vanished – it’s the way of things. Nothing unusual about that.

Anyway one feature of the magazine were riotously funny and fake letters to the editor – one that always stuck in my mind was a letter from Bulgaria (they would often feature letters from countries or objects) which said if memory serves “Bulgaria does not have secret police, we have secret fire department.”

The absurdity of that stuck with me until I noted this story on the web:

“The Homeland Security Department has been secretly testing a pilot scheme in New York in which firefighters are trained to identify suspicious material or behavior. If successful, the programme will be extended to other large cities.” – telegraphco.UK

Yep – since firemen don’t need a warrant to come into your house (I mean it’s on fire that’s why they are at your door) they will be able to take a quick scan about and then I presume alert the appropriate authorities and then folks will be whisked away to Gitmo or some other place where they won’t be tortured just water boarded of they are really bad folks sent to another country where they do torture – (not only do we torture we’ve gone and outsourced it).

I know fireman, I have a relative who is a fireman and this is so not what firemen are about I can’t even begin to tell you. They work to save people – they go into burning buildings to do that.

In the first place they really don’t have time – even in a small fire to go rooting about someone’s belongings or papers or note the posters on the wall or their videos. Maybe the DHS thinks the FDNY will appoint a commissar to ride along with each call to inspect the papers to make sure these are 100% Americans – who knows.

This is fucking East Germany folks. I don’t know what mush wit deep in the bowels of the DHS though of this idea – hell it’s stupid enough to come from the higher ups but they shouldn’t be trusted with counting pencils never mind setting up an system where people whose homes are on fire have to worry about the anti-George Bush poster on the wall before calling the fire department.

That is madness. And that the only paper to report on this is a British paper? More madness. What the hell happened to everybody?

Day a typical Friday – which stinks but I’ve gotten paid – with a raise and I’ll be getting direct access to the internet (not dialup) and it looks like Zulu Dawn is on DVD.

On one of those discordant well that’s not nice to learn about yourself note – I’ve come to the unfortunate realization that I carry torches for unobtainable women because for me it’s easier to live in some kind of beach boys la la land – “oh wouldn’t it be nice if she” than to deal with a real relationship and the ups and downs of that.

Which kind of sucks.

But at least I understand that The Terror of Mecha Godzilla (and there is no terror like the terror of mecha-godzilla) will be available as separate item after the new year which is good cause that means I won’t have to buy that set which contains the god-awful All Monster Attack (English title Godzilla’s revenge) which as kid I thought sucked utter rockets.

I’ve always wondered about “The Terror of Mecha Godzilla” is it our terror of Mecha Godzilla or is it Mecha Godzilla’s Terror? My mind thinks like that – when I’m not carrying torches - actually no, it thinks like that then as well.

Peace, Love, Mecha-Godzilla


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